You would have thought we had a near catastrophic event with Duke and Rachel today. The dog was snoozing, which is what he does almost all day long now, when Rachel crawled along the floor, and used the sofa where he was napping to pull her self up. Startled, Duke yelped, jumped up, and landed on the world's loudest squeaky toy. The racket scared the hell out of all of us, including Duke. Thoroughly annoyed, Duke kicked the squeaky toy off the sofa and looked at all of us with suspicion and obvious disdain, then he yawned and went back to sleep. He's a funny boy when he sleeps-always chasing something with those long legs going a hundred miles an hour. Maybe he's dreaming of times he was capable of running like the wind.

Ever watchful and alert, except when he's napping (we've already established that's just about all day long), Duke likes to keep an eye on the barbarian activity (squirrels and rabbits) in the yard. I think he also keeps an eye on the farmer. Same difference. Those two never really hit it off. When Duke was just a wee little hot dog on stilts (that's what he looked like), we tried to crate him. He would let loose with a symphony of dog noise only the deaf could ignore. One day, my husband was working in his home office and crated the puppy (he had a hankering for expensive shoes). The dog scratched, cried, yipped, squealed and howled for 20 minutes. Certain we were beating the spoiled little beast, Mr. Farmer hopped the fence to see why the dog was carrying on. Even though the man was there to rescue him if need be, the pup never liked him. He still doesn't care much for him-or his dogs.

With the exception of beef tenderloin, there was one thing this dog seemed to love above everything else: chasing shovels full of snow that we'd toss to him. For us this was a chore, but for him, it was a game he loved. My son used to take him in the yard for an hour and throw snowballs. Duke never tired of it, but when frostbite threatened, my son would throw in the towel. Duke always won in the stamina department. He still loves snow, but instead of catching snowballs these days, he sticks to eating it off the table I always forget to put away in the fall. Since it's the only time he's allowed to eat from the table, I can't say I blame him. He's still a handsome boy, and even if he can't chase snowballs anymore, at least he still gets to run after them in his dreams.
Today's therapy is a pair of thrummed mittens in Cascade 220 and Louet Merino roving. This is as good for my soul as watching Dukealicious eat snow. For today, it doesn't get better than this.
ahhh fun read about Duke! I like that photo of him looking out to the snow.
Can imagine the look on his face
LOL, good old dukealicious. I always wondered what poochies were dreaming about when they jerk, and jump around in their sleep.
Not knowing what thrummed meant, I clicked on the link. Still don't know but sure seems hard to do.
On the neckwarmers...you selling?
Good ol' Duke. How old is he?
Our late lab mix, BD (Black Dog) was a lot like him. Now Lily the toy poodle will chase whatever we'll throw. It's a seasonal thing---snowballs now, and when the snow melts, pine cones and nuts that have fallen from the trees.
Dukealicious indeed!
We all know that you set a place for Duke at the Dinner table!!!!!!
Flydragon-I don't sell what I make, but I'd be happy to make one for you.
OWIATW-I do not. He bellies up to the table all by himself. Uninvited.
Debra, Dukedog is 9 this year, although in dog years, he walks like he's 100 years old. Poor old guy. He has terrible arthritis in his hips.
Glad to see Duke is still getting out in this snowy mess. I had to shovel an area for our dog to go potty. It was too deep for him and he doesn't seem to be able to tolerate the cold. I thought he was going to freeze in mid air out there.
Another knitting project! I am impressed!
Poor Duke, poor Rachel...Duke looks good, is he getting prednisoe? Love the mittens and I have some roving, I'm just not sure of the technique...ciao
I enjoyed reading about Duke; He is a noble dog and I'm glad he found you to care about him. Love that color purple
Good dog Duke..good dog! (((hugw)))
That should be (((hugs))) ;)
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