What a mess....
I've figured out the issue: I don't like doing socks on two circular needles. I think they're a pain in the arse. I have a feeling it's because I taught myself to make them on double points and now, nothing else will suffice except my Takumi Velvet needles. I will persevere and finish them and have been working toward that end. This morning, I completed and turned the heel, and picked up the gusset stitches. The mate isn't yet a twinkle in my eye. I have to get through the first one...ugh. Maybe I should just rip it out and start them the right way. Sometimes this old dog cannot be taught a new trick. I'm just glad I wasn't forced to learn math using an abacus.
There is a bathrobe clad woman who comments here, who seems to think that I am not quite forthright and that perhaps, I exaggerate when I write. I guess, that would make me a liar. I don't recall how she and I first began reading one another's blogs, but if you don't read hers, you should. I always leave there laughing. She commented on my last post that she wanted proof I did not go overboard at the yarn store on Monday. While it isn't the best quality, it plainly shows the truth of the matter. This photo is for Flydragon:

Seven buttons and 1 skein of Brown Sheep Bulky
I need to finish Rachelheimer's mittens with my Monday purchase. The beauty of knitting is that something like this can be made to fit. This child has the most delicate bone structure and store bought items seldom fit. Her fingers and hands are long and narrow. These mitts will fit snugly without slipping off her hands. I think all told, they only take a couple of hours per mitt because they're made with bulky wool. Next up for her will be some thrummed mittens but she'll have to wait for the soldier's socks to be knit. He's next on deck. I hear it's freaking freezing in the desert at night.
One down, a bit of one and a thumb to go. The white on the right mitt is scrap yarn that when pulled out, will free up live stitches to knit a thumb. It's magic. I love knitting mittens.
Hey, I know a very good looking bathrobe clad woman too, probably isn't the same one though.
Okay, okay, I believe that you only bought 1 skein and 7 buttons...this time.
Thanks for the new blog suggestion. I added it right away. Love the mittens; what's this about soldier's socks? Did I skim over something? I tend to do that sometimes. Enjoying my day off!
Flydragon-I'm glad I've convinced you.
Rose-my daughter's friend is serving in Iraq. I promised him some wool socks but the leg alone by regulation must be 8 inches long with a 4 inch cuff. That's why I haven't started. But I need to do that soon. That's why I'm clearing the decks.
is it me, or is there a problem with the photos loading? i'd love to see your projects.
You certainly have been productive. However as for convincing me you aren't a big fat liar...that photo simply proves you are a master at out of focus photography.
I'm havong problems with the photos too. I can see a ball of pink wool and part of a sock! Nice though.
Your daughter's friend might like a pair of those pink socks. Bring out his feminine side!
What a huge sock! Very nice of you to do that. Also, found out M's hat came from Boutique Knits. I linked the book on my post today. I had forgotten to ask her but when I got my copy of KnitPicks today, I saw the hat.
You have been busy. Great to have so many finishes under your belt. Hope the rest of the week will be just as productive
That is a lot of progress Rudee. One of these days I hope to show that I can finish at least ONE sock.
I've barely done any knitting recently but my excuse, I've been sick. I did buy some sock yarn here in Calgary and a new spindle. It just felt good in my hand. I too cannot do socks on circs, has to be the old fashioned way and 4 dp's...ciao
Oh the colors of all that yarn is beautiful! I love the receipt.. You've courage to scan that.. I wouldn't want Paul seeing the evidence of what I've spent!
WT- I'm very good at out of focus photography-but it isn't on purpose. I swears it was just the one skein...
SueB and Winifred- they load for me. Don't worry though, you aren't missing much. Just one stupid pink sock on two circs. Ugh. If I had a corresponding dpn, I'd transfer stitches. I'll tough this one out and then I promise to make them this way again.
Well you darn well better be telling the truth cause that receipt is a little fuzzy.
I'll check out her link...
nice projects.
The photos are fine today! Weird.
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