OK friends, we have absolutely zero chance of finding a message in a bottle if we stick around here all winter. Can I entice you with the following photos and prices?

The pool at a Fort Myer's, Florida resort. Air, hotel and car come in at around $500 a piece. I'm thinking it's time to spend some of what I've saved by not dying my hair anymore. What do you think about this plan?

Historical highs for the end of February through March are around 80 degrees. Lows are around 60. Yes, fresh would be the word I use to describe the evening temps.

There is a 14% chance of precipitation. A 0% chance of temperatures greater than 90 or lower than freezing. There is a 100% chance alcoholic beverages will be consumed, and that someone will make a fool of themselves and forever cement a new rocking chair memory into place. There is a 50% chance someone will earn a new vacation name. There is a 100% chance that old vacation songs will be enjoyed and that a new one will forever remind us of a weekend in the sun. There is a 100% chance that we will laugh. There is an equal chance that someone will cry. There is absolutely no chance that this nurse will spend even one moment in an emergency room. Lest we forget:
- there will be no time savings appreciated if one wears a bathing suit on the plane and the rubber in the elastic lining melts and subsequently becomes glued onto the skin. God-I've got some funny vacation memories. I wish I had a picture to match.
- one must always watch where one is walking-ERs suck and especially while on vacation. A hangover is not an excuse for falling off your high heels and slipping into the gutter.
- one must always tuck away regular eyeglasses when leaving the condo for the day or once again, we will give new meaning to, "I Wear My Sunglasses at Night."
Now call me so we can book this trip!
beaches? warmth? whatever for?
i'm about to head out to shovel another inch of new snow. the winds are howling and the air temp is seven degrees below zero.
why would anyone want to get away?
You are welcome to run away with us Laurie. We kept poor Miss Rachie home from school. We do have a heat wave expected for Saturday. The high will be 24.
oh I know how you feel, I was talking to dh the other day about having a week away........
I have done a post for Thursday on the weather, so I guess its getting to all of us, mine however has a "how stupid am I" twist to it!!!
Gill in Canada
Hahaha.. those were some funny memories of someone in the bathing suit...OUCH...and hangover high heels walking. You should name this vacation "Rescue", or maybe after you are there a new name will be fitting based on the activities involved. Man...does that ever sound like FUN!! If I were younger and had the money I would be the first one there.
Brenda, first I'd like to say, I was not the one who fell off her high heels and second, I was not the one who wore the suit that melted. Just had to clear that one up. Our trips are on the fun side but mostly consist of lying around the beach or pool and eating a lot of fattening food.
OH... Run for it!! Run for the warmth, the ocean... okay, the pool. Drop everything and get out of that winter wonderland. Its over rated!! Go South woman... go South!
My heart goes out to all those (most of the country it looks like) who have to survive in this butal weather!
Ohhh! How lovely. I say, "Go girl!" Have a margarita for me while you're there.
Well I've booked my holiday to Rhodes already. To be accurate I booked it last June to give me something to get me through the winter.
Now I'm not convinced I can wait until May to go to Greece so I'm trying to persuade my husband we need a week in Spain in February, just to get us through the winter. However the Euro is giving the pound a bashing so I might have to make do with Newcastle, just up the road and where Sting originally came from.
Fort Myers looks good. Does the price include food too? Maybe we could have a blggers convention!
My cousin is heading down to Florida for two months and didn't invite me, sheesh. I sure could use it since I'm in despair too. Sitting here watching the tribute to Pavarotti and feeling sorry for myself. I sure wish I could run away, you go girl...ciao
We have extra room here in AZ!.. It's not Scottsdale but Buckeye has an extra bedroom! :) It's even warmer in CA. This weekend was almost HOT. Hope you decide to go on vacation! Laughed at your old memories
Sounds perfect would love to jjoin you all but the flight across the Pacific precludes me coming - have a great time and warm up.
Heat wave on Saturday sounds great. I just wish it wouldn't bring the 3 to 6 more inches of snow along with it! Tomorrow DAY they are calling for temperatures to be around +4 to (-20) with a wind chill advisory. (DUH!!!!). Multiple businesses and schools have already announced their closings for tomorrow. Between the snow, the melting snow, the flesh freezing temperatures and my rear wheel drive car (I thought was SOOOO CUTE) and just HAD TO HAVE, I need ZERO convincing about going away.
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