Two hundred and seventy four days ago, I put the Backwards Bush countdown clock up on my site. I can hardly believe it's been that long and that change is finally coming. Over the past nine months or so, I've watched that clock with patience. I got excited at 200 days, 150 days, 100 days and most especially, when it got down to single digit days. Right now, it's at one day and I'm filled with hope. I have hope that the economy will improve and the people I love will find gainful employment. I have hope for people who are facing housing catastrophes. I have hope that we'll see the end of the two wars we fight and people I know will come home for good. I have hope that other nations in the world will once again think of our nation with feelings of good will. It's all a mighty tall order to place in the hands of one man, but I have faith in him.
Off and on this weekend, I've watched the happenings in Washington and I am amazed. I simply can't believe how far we've come as a people and as a country. I'm thrilled to be living in such historical times.

In honor of all of the hullaballoo, I've cast on some socks in Schaefer Yarn's Sock The Vote in the Michelle colorway. I love the colors and they do remind me of all the vibrant clothes my new First Lady wears. How fitting this yarn is in turquoise, purple, red and several shades of blue. It's like a rainbow. These will be my socks of hope-I'm going to treasure these.
Great colour
Pretty yarn and I do hope everything will start going better for everyone.
I also checked your countdown clock everytime I checked your blog. I know it's unrealistic to expect big changes immediately, but of course I do anyway:)
This is the only Presidentil race i have really had any interest in. Across the planet I know that many people are looking forward to some change and a new direction in world leadership. I only hope our expectaions are not to high. It will be tiny tiny steps to great change cos there is nowwhere else to go - it just has to get better.The only question is how long it takes.
It's been a long 8 years, hasn't it.
I think that the whole world is watching and hoping. Me, too :-)
As I read these comments here, I'm watching our president elect paint a wall at a boy's emergency shelter while his wife is greeting and hugging everyone she meets. They look tireless in their service to others. It makes me hopeful to see these actions in our new leaders.
Your countdown clock gave me the chills. I can't remember a single thing (non kid related anyway) that I've looked foreward to like this.
I feel bad for Obama in a way - it's a lot of pressure for one human being. But somehow I think he's up to it.
Love the yarn, love the hope that I feel everywhere.
It's a great time to be alive.
sorry - I clicked twice.
Oh Happy Day indeed! Didn't expect to say this, But I am impressed by President Bush's graceful transfer of power and his last press corps speech. This election for many reasons makes me proud. Despite many differences and bitterly opposing points of view we still have an orderly and legal transition of power. That's always something America has to be proud of.
I'm excited to be living in your country at such an historical time! Now I can look forward proudly to becoming an American Citizen in a few years time.
Wonder if he can make it stop snowing...just kidding.
The "hullabaloo" is a bit over the top though. The Canadian press are just about organsmic but if a Canadian Prime Minister ever spent that much on being sworn in they'd crucify him in the press. Only in the U.S. can this happen. You know, I wish him well, our economic health depends on it...ciao
They are beautiful and how "fitting"... Yes, I hope we are in for better times...
This is a most exciting Day! Love those colors
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