This is your brain. Mine too.

This is the brain of a knitter. Really.

You can read about the psychiatrist who knit this amazing brain here. I wonder, do you think she was overcome by fiber fumes when she took this project on?
Photos: google images
Photos: google images
Amazing - did she go mad knitting it ???
lololol, I'm sure that second one is my brain, all fuzzy and wooly.
Ruth, I'm smitten with this brain but have no desire to take it on. It's incredible.
Flydragon, I'm sure we all feel like that-especially after a winter as shut-ins.
I think I saw a few knitting errors in there. Ha...just kidding about my perfectionism. Just caught myself wondering what part of the brain causes perfectionism. Very creative project she did there!
So THAT'S what it really looks like. I've never trusted those medical illustrations.
Love the knitted brain! I'll have to check out that link.
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