I have more pictures from a day in the life of Nurse Rudee. As I began working last night, it began to snow. Just enough to muck up rush hour and give me a white knuckle drive to the opposite side of town. Then it stopped. When I went to sleep last night, the weather men were predicting disaster by morning. Three to six inches of snow were expected. I think we're at about 9 inches right now. My drive has been cleared 3 times to no avail. It's still coming down and I can't see the drive. Don't you think that sounds like a perfect day to do nothing?
Not even the birds are out today. I think the weather explains their gorging feast of the past couple of days. After the snow, we're expected to descend into an arctic freeze. The critters always do seem to know better than the weather forecasters.
Instead, I'm busy with my needles. I'm making something rather special for one of our hospice doctors. Well, it's for her baby. OK. I admit it. I completely fell off my yarn diet yesterday and gained 300 grams of fiber and that book. Isn't fiber supposed to be good for the diet? I'm weak, weak, weak. And totally in love with this pattern.
It's almost 8 PM. The kitchen floor is washed, the dishes are done, and Duke has been waited on and had his dinner cooked for him. Right now, he is in a turkey induced sleep. I'm considering taking down the Christmas tree. I was waiting to see if Someone else would do it, but since Someone was busy and Nobody wanted to take the incentive, I thought I should. Then I thought that over too. I think I'll wait until tomorrow. Maybe Somebody, Someone or Nobody will want to do it then. I'll enjoy it one more night and besides, it looks pretty with all that snow behind it. What's one more day? I'm off to knit some flowers.
I have made quite a few hats using that book. They are kind of addictive, so darn cute! Be sure and show your finished one!
that snow is gorgeous. think of it as valuable, valuable moisture that your garden will love come spring.
and that hat? with the flowers? it looks like a wedding cake! i want to eat it.
I think I brought that deep freeze home with me from Calgary. There is tons of snow here too and it's still coming down. Those hats are adorable, have fun knitting...ciao
Beautiful, simply beautiful. I love those hats. I don't know how you can stop at one!
The snow really is comforting, especially on a night like this, when we are all home and safe and warm. It looks like we are getting hit with the same amount of snow!
Rose, have you made this hat with the flowers? So far, I've made a dozen flowers and will knit the hat when I'm done.
Laurie, for some reason, when I started making the flowers, I got up and baked some brownies. Maybe you're right and the picture led me astray.
Rositta, I'm sure this blob of snow is heading straight for you. It was a slow and steady storm.
Cheryl, I like it, but I don't when I'm working. Luckily, I'm off until Monday.
We had the freeze without the snow, now it has warmed up and we have high winds and the rain is trying to fall!
I adore baby hats, can't wait to see this one
I don't think I have seen this book yet. They really are cute. I was hanging out at the library and book store for a little while yesterday and did not stumble across it there. Sorry you are getting hit with so much snow. You have had more than your share. So far we still haven't had much, if any really. Ours will show up when the first bulbs start emerging from the soil.
I knit the black design (the one with the flowers on the top) Go back to this post http://lavenrose.blogspot.com/2008/12/best-laid-plans.html
to see the photo I took. I LOVED the way that hat turned out. I only used about 1/2 of the suggested number of flowers.
Miss, it's beautiful but blindingly white here today. More snow Tuesday then a deep freeze for the rest of the week.
Brenda, this pattern book is so simple-so are the embellishments. They're just tedious.
Rose, the hat you made is adorable.
That is so much snow but how pretty it looks in the photos! So you are on a fiber diet, good for you, ha!
I waited long enough and my husband took down the tree. I try to find things that I forget how to do, because he takes over the chore, like making coffee. I told him since he has been retired I don't remember how many scoops go in and that he will just have to handle that chore. And emptying the dish washer. It works.
Such cute hats!!!
Good luck with the snow.
Well, I see you
1. finally sent that nasty weather down here
2. you fell off the wagon
1. thanks a lot
2. I knew you would
I don't know about you but I've just about had it with all the snow!! I'm up in Canada and there is 3 more months of this!!! Perhaps I should take up your hobby of knitting! Your work is lovely! Very creative! Stay warm!
That baby hat is absolutely gorgeous. Don't envy you the snow though! Just stay warm inside and keep knitting. I wish I could leave the tree and lights up all year, the place looks so dull and bare when you take it down.
We seem to have missed the worst of the cold weather in the UK for once. It's 9 Centigrade tonight which I think is about 48 Fahrenheit. How can it be that warm at night in winter? Weird stuff.
those are just the cutest hats......oh the joys of Winter!!!
Gill in Canada
That hat is adorable. I want one for myself - not that I'd ever have the nerve to wear it.
There's such a huge difference in the way you and Rose knit and the way I knit. You guys rock.
Sweet, sweet hats. Lucky baby. Sorry for your snow woes, but it looks as though it's been a lovely weekend for you. Hoping you nothing but clear roads on Monday:>)
These are beautiful! Glad you're staying inside and warm. I've been hearing about all the snow in the midwest. Be Safe
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