Monday, March 24, 2008

Who Are These People?

What do I have in common with the lovely Annabella Sciora?  I've never acted.  I've never met Tony Soprano (though I do know people just like him).  I'm not that skinny and I have short blond hair.  

What could I have in common with Lara Flynn Boyle?  I do love Tommy Lee Jones and she starred in Men in Black II with him.  My BMI (body mass index) is somewhat more substantial than Lara's.  I don't take it personally.  I have a thing about starvation; I just don't like it and it makes me feel cranky.  Also, I think I would look silly in a tutu.

What about this guy?  That would be the enigmatic Harry Houdini.  I like the dark and sultry look.  I'm a terrible escape artist and I couldn't do a magic trick to save my life.  I did have appendicitis though--that's what done Harry in.  

No, what I have in common with these people is that I share my birthday with them.  So, Happy Birthday Lara, Annabella and Harry. 

I'm off to an ANR conference which is about the best way to spend a birthday.  This will be a day jam-packed with laughs, eating (sorry to Lara and Annabella), drinking exotic alcohol concoctions and gambling.  My kind of day.


the rotten correspondent said...

Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a great day.

What is an ANR conference anyway? With any luck it's more exciting than it sounds...

Rudee said...

Thanks RC. It will be a great day.

ANR is an acronym for my me and my friends.
Our "conferences" are always exciting.

Rositta said...

What an interesting list of people to share a birthday with...A very Happy Birthday to you Rudee, may you get lots of pretty yarn...ciao:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You; Happy birthday to Rudee; Happy Birthday to you.
How old are you; How old are you; How old are Rudee; how old are You............

No lying. 27 right!


Rudee said...

Thanks Rositta and Fudgie. It was a good birthday. And there was yarn involved too.