I am over this election. Can we all just go out and vote to get this over with? Now? I have got to stop watching these moronic news stations. Last night, they were discussing a part of the brain that is subconsciously going to keep people from voting for Obama because deep down, they're racist. Campbell Brown spent a lot of time discussing this particular piece of the brain, the amygdala, that is influencing people over 50. There was discussion of how people may go into the voting booth prepared to vote for Obama, but then, out of nowhere, the amygdala will rise up against them and keep them from voting their hearts. Some sources will tell you it's possible the amygdala is a left over from when vertebrates had a third eye. Sort of like this, but in a squid:

I don't know about you all, but now, I'm just too freaking scared to go vote. I don't want to bump into this guy in a voting booth.
Cartoon courtesy of Ian Marsden
Cartoon courtesy of Ian Marsden
Holy Shit...pardon my language but that thing is scary. SO glad I missed that informative news piece. They are certainly getting creative with their news aren't they. Oh my.....
Cambell Brown needs a new plan.. I'm leaning toward Obama and Race has nothing to do with it... So they're saying if I DONT vote Obama, for what ever reason? I'm a Racist??? Come on Cambell
My DNA has been tested and shows genes that wont allow me to vote for anyone aligned with the Dali Lama! Or any other man that is running for office that wears slippers, a robe and has no means of supporting himself!
I don't blame you. If I saw someone whose third eye was 6 times larger than their head, I'd run screaming from the voter's booth loud enough to scare away everyone else at the polls.
Thanks for visiting my blog! So, you were a dick chick, huh? LOL!!!! You got me with that one.
Yes nanny, I was a dick chick. I think it's quite a clever name for a urology nurse.
Well....that is just crazy! I'm glad I didn't hear that either. I am with you though Rudee.....I am sick to death of hearing about this one or that one. I want it to be over with and get on with it. The news media keeps people stirred up or second guessing themselves all of the time. They all pretty much get on my nerves!
That thing hangs out at the Joe during the Redwings Playoff Run!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAH, me neither.
Yeah I've heard about that part of the brain..
I am so over the election too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its sad to me that there are folks who don't or can't see how their vote help put them in the situation they are in... I wonder how many Bush voters still think they made the right choice. (I may wonder, but I don't want to know... it would be too sad.)
There may be pockets of people for who race is an issue, but in general I think its just the media trying to find something new to write about... trying to get something stirred up.
Well these are October Sweeps months for the press Crusty. You're probably right. Anything to sensationalize is fair game to them.
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