They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, but what do they know?
Saturday, I went to the grand opening of my daughter Sara's restaurant. It was the second such opening in about 6 weeks, but this was the formal unveiling, with the first being a soft opening where what could go wrong, inevitably did. Sara has had no formal training in how to open a restaurant, but for the past year, this is the project that has consumed her life.
From the beginning when Sara took over an old building, she's worked with architects, contractors, artists and vendors and now the art of negotiation is a feather firmly attached in her cap. She has become adept at the art of schmoozing politicians and licensing organizations as though she learned at the knee of Donald Trump. During the build-out, this child of mine learned to put up with a lot of nonsense from petulant, and sometimes threatening tradesmen. She is now an employer to mostly youthful humans, many who are 10 to 12 years her junior and she's handling them with aplomb. Some of her employees waited weeks to start work just to be able to have a job. During these hard economic times in the Detroit area, she's proud to be an employer.
Where did she learn all this? When? I know she didn't inherit any of these skills from me. I mean that. Sara has always been a bundle of energy and incredibly intense from the day she was born and it seems she's found a way to channel all of it into something creative. I couldn't possibly be more proud of her than I am today...except maybe on the day I had her 28 years ago today.
Happy Birthday, sweetie. After so many years, you continue to amaze me!
Wow, congrats to her--and to you! You must be so proud!
Aaawww. It's so nice to see a proud Mom. And Sara's going to need all that energy to run a restaurant. It's really hard work! I wish her much success. I spent years doing marketing plans for restaurants, and it seems as if she's off to a good start.
Happy b'day to Sara. And here's hoping there's much good food in your future.
She sounds as if she is as hard working as her mum. I wish her every success with her restaurant
wow... her own restaurant... wow!! I'm impressed and I know you are bustin' buttons with pride.
I don't know diddley, but I do know having a restaurant is HARD work. Good luck to her.
Does she have experience with knowing how employees can rip you off? I've been told that without some safe guards, they can really help themselves.
A former friend who has always worked as a caregiver or (mostly) as a waitress, one day confessed that she never worked anywhere where she didn't rip them off. (00) I know, where do I get these people anyway?! Hopefully, Sara knows or she can talk to someone with lots of experience to learn how to protect her business as much as possible.
How exciting!!
Hmm. a bundle of energy, eh? I would say this apple does not fall that far from its tree:) You can be proud of your daughter!
Rudee, you brought tears to my eyes. Well done Sara!...and Happy Birthday too!!
Her own restaurant...what an achievement! My son is a chef so I understand what a big deal this is. A lot of hard work and planning which doesn't end now. She has every reason - as do you - to be proud. And a birthday celebration, too. Happy Birthday, Sara!
Wow, well done Sara, happy birthday and congratulations for you too Rudee!
What a great daughter you have! congrats to both! She has chosen one of the two most stressful lines of work (the other being caring for others... like being a nurse! gosh! lol!) but it is also a source of many satisfactions! Good luck and I wish her the best of luck in her new venture!!!(did I tell you yours truly IS in that line of work!?)
Congratulations to both of you and Happy Birthday to your Sara. She is beautiful. Hope things go well for her.
Wow! Congratulations and much success to your beautiful daughter, Sara! She has certainly made her Mama proud! If I lived closer to Detroit, I'd come and dine in her restaurant.
And, Happy Birthday to Sara! May all her birthday wishes come true!
Happy birthday to Sara! And good luck with the new venture! has she inherited the knitting gene from her mother!?! That is great to see someone so young doing so well. I have a 27 yr old so I know how great it is to see them growing up and doing well and being happy.
All the best Irish luck to you both!
How about a plug with the name of the restaurant so we can go check it out?
Wow! What a wonderful accomplishment. I believe she tackled this like you tackled the shawl!
Wow, I was just wondering when she was opening. Congratulations to her and to you for raising such an intelligent, beautiful daughter. The world needs more women like her.
Wheres the tiger
Happy Birthday and Congrats on the opening...to Sara and to you proud Mom!
Nice post Rudee. When I saw the title I admit I thought, "Hell that sounds like fun..." :)
I tried to reply to your comment on my post but you have no-reply comment@blogger.com as the address. You mentioned "punishment" in your comment and definitely karma doesn't mean punishment, it means life's lessons....unfortunately people can't take the bad lessons as well as the good. The woman you spoke of? In for more of the same, even worse...but those who turn the bad to something else create only positivity...
Beautiful daughter. Beautiful endeavor. Beautiful mom.
Congrats to all!
Congratulations proud Mum.If ever in Detroit will have to try it out.
Thank you mom....you are so sweet! I love you.
Happy Birthday to your daughter and congratulations, what a great way to get life experience.
Congratulations to your beautiful daughter on a very exciting venture Rudee. Ahem, I think, as someone else posted, the apple did not fall very far from the tree. You strike me as incredibly hard working, enormously intelligent and creative. Your kids are lucky to have you!
Wow, good for her!
The absolute best of luck to your daughter on her new endeavour. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, my mom used to say...ciao
OH wow, congrats to her on opening her restaurant! What a wonderful thing to read and she sounds like she will be a success for sure. And besides she is so gorgeous!
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