Rigor mortis has set in for my Macbook. It's dead. Finite. Expired. Passed on. Fallen. Perished. Asleep. Pushing up daisies. Six feet under. Kaput. Slain. Pick your euphemism--it's the only thing that amuses me about this situation. Every single time I begin to think there is nothing on there that I'll miss, I realize I'm wrong and it gives me a start.
Forever gone will be the patterns I've paid for and had sent to me in a PDF format and just when I was considering finally taking on Romi's spiffy hat. There are photos that were there that I'd been meaning to back up, but never got around to doing.
The geniuses wanted $750 to send it out, and that was without a repair estimate. Since a brand new Macbook starts at $150 more, it makes zero sense to send it out for repair when for a little bit more, I can get the latest and greatest.
I meant to get around to those photos and my music files. It's not like I don't have an external drive with which to back it all up, it's just that I didn't get off my lazy bum and take all of ten minutes to get the job done.
Who's sorry now? Me. Sniff. Pass the tissues, please.
Photo: Google Images of a Key West Cemetery
If it's cactus anyway, pull it apart and get the drive, it may be ok.
I'm with willowtree. Try. What have you got to lose? I can imagine your misery...it ain't pretty to lose all that good stuff.
These lessons are the hardest! And it stings.
I'm so sorry for your loss. If you ever need to vent the grief, let me know. (cursing does not disturb me. Unless its directed AT me.)
Oh sad, sad. I like your new header though.
A Mac? No way!
What a bummer, Rudee. Me thinks me better get off my duff and get to saving some of my stuff, before it's too late!
Symphaty Huggies!
Rudee, what a nightmare for you! I have done this myself and it is soul destorying! Here is some tissues and a ((hug!))
I know what you mean. We're still saving the hard drive from the last computer in case we can get our Ireland photos off it. Sorry for your loss.
I am sorry for your loss.
I have been working to download many photos because that has happened to me before. I am up to 2009!
Wow--this is a wake up call for me. I have thousands of photos and hundreds of documents that aren't backed up. I'd better get off my butt and do something about it. My macbook is two years old and past its warranty period. I hope you can retrieve things somehow. Nice new header Rudee.
R.I.P. Mac book.
My condolences to you.
will the Geek Squad form a funeral procession? and can they transplant the guts from the dead guy to the other computer?
muhahahahaha, sounds like Frankenstein, doesn't it ~ I mean it's kinda like brains, right?
are my technical challenges showing?
There is hopefully some way to retrieve the photos and patterns. I would not throw it out without trying to find out. I will ask my geeky hubby and get back with you. Looking on the bright side...new computers are always fun.
Oh My Gosh! My Sympathies on dear ole Mac!
Nica lady checking in!
Well, duh!! I started to write you and e-mail and then realized that wouldn´t work. It´s like trying to turn on the light when you know the electricity has gone off, AGAIN!!
Sorry about your favorite MAC but maybe there´s something special good coming along on the heels of the loss...like really great new aspects from your new compu! I loved your report and photos from VA. Sounds like you had a WONDERFUL time!! I´m so glad. How do I communicate with you until you have a new compu??? Do I have to come home to do that???
One more thought! I understand the frustration of losing that info and history....someday I´ll tell you the story!
Hmm. What variety of dead? I ask because we were able to retrieve data from a dead Mac once with a magic trick involving a firewire cable.
Miss T,
The Mac has no power. Apparently, water and laptops do not mix.
Sister, you can still email me at my mac.com address. I have hijacked my son's laptop for use while he is in class.
No matter how often we tell ourselves that we are going to backup on a regular basis, we never seem to do it, do we? Sorry you lost data that was important to you.
Will you promise me you'll back up at least once a month from now on please?
Ouch. That's got to hurt. Hope you get yourself a wonderful new 'puter. (And I'm Mac all the way!)
That is so painful! Hannah's died too and they said it was not covered under the insurance we bought, she only had it since Feb. had saved 2 years. The would not budge with my hubby, said it was 750 to look at and repair. Close to what we paid. I was so angry, so I has another chat with the manager, and he agreed to split it with me, so i'd only pay 300. In the end, they gave it to us for free.
I feel for you, this is a good lesson for all of us, I'd be really upset if I didn't have my pictures!
Theres a little something on my blog for you Rudee...............
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