In this day and age, how does this happen? I can't believe they are this hard to stop. Send Johnny Depp and the Black Pearl. Maybe he can clean up this part of the world.

Although I abhor violence and will be the first to tell you I am a bleeding heart, I can't help but see a wee spot of poetic justice in respect to the dog bites hand that feeds it sort of thing. They highjacked a Saudi ship? Really? Who taught these guys all they know? Al-Qaeda? Who feeds Al-Qaeda money? Rich Saudis? Karma.
I know! I was going to post about this myself... WTF!?!
I can't figure it out either. How can a small pirate ship hijack such a huge vessel? They have to climb up a ladder to get on it right? Shoot them as they're climbing up, right?
I think most vessels are unarmed so they are helpless to stop these attacks. Perhaps they should send escorts who are armed.
Well, if Johnny D. can't do it maybe they could consider Mitch Rapp. I read some where Vince Flynn's Mitch Rapp series was sold for movie rights.
Ooh Brenda. I wonder who'll play Mitch? He is definitely one of my more favorite characters.
Amazing um.. can't think of the polite word.... they have!!!
It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic. The ransom money goes straight to terrorist training. I believe they've moved from Afghanistan camps to Somalia and other parts of Africa...ciao
Me too, I can't figure out how they can hijack a ship that big???
Gill in Canada
Let's see there are magical tools such as satellite monitoring and I don't know what all. Why in the world can't those tools be used to monitor sea traffic in the known most dangerous areas. Especially when the pirates are using mother ships from which they send out the marauder boats. I don't like violence either but would have no qualms with blasting the little buggers out of the water.
It's perplexing flutterby. We know well what our satellites are capable of doing. How hard can it be? They could use drones to do the dirty work.
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