I hate being teased-or made fun of. In that manner, I'm rather thin skinned. And don't mock me or intentionally set out to set me up for disappointment. I will respond in an unflattering manner, completely unbecoming a lady. In return, I won't tease, mock, make fun of you or burst your bubble.
That said, I had an incredibly long day with Miss Rachel and no caregiver. Sundays are like this all the time these days and I swear, every hour can feel like a day. Did I tell you it was long? I cooked, baked cookies and did the dishes 3 times. All day long, I kept telling myself 24 was on tonight and I'd be able to sit down and watch something I've not seen for a year and a half. That's what helped me keep my sanity because I swear, if I told Rachel to sit down once, I told her a hundred times. There were other repetitive directions too. Protecting the soldier's cookies became an art form today. It doesn't help that the
At 8 PM, I got my cup of tea ready and sat down to
Pop. I think that was my bubble bursting.
Hugs coming your way
More hugs coming your way. I have watched "24" just enough to get interested in it, one season and then the writers strike set me back. I may try to rent the series and start from the beginning. That is what I did with "Lost". Now I am completely hooked on "Lost" and can't wait for it to come back in January.
Today No Bubbles will be allowed to be burst! Wouldn't it be nice if by saying it, it came true....
That's just wrong. Why oh why do TV producers do this to us?!
That being said, I've never watched 24. I know I need to.
BUT, I am WILD about LOST. And I've had to wait months and months and months for it...but come January I'm going to be a happy woman.
Welcome Rhea. You can rent all of the past episodes of 24 and catch up in time for the actor's strike in January. I may do the same with Lost. I've never watched it and apparently, I need to. Now where did I put my Blockbuster card?
Brenda, it's officially a snowy and no bubble bursting day today. I think a national Do Not Burst My Bubble Day should be enacted.
I so agree with you. I have been a nurse for 24 years and have had my share of those days.
man, i know that disappointment----that little warm kernel of delayed gratification coming your way, and then to have it not come is devastating. and it feels silly to be so crushed over something that is, in the scheme of things, fairly insignificant. ah i know it well.
so sorry.
you need Netflix. DVDs right to your door. so you have a backup in case this happens again.
I agree about Netflix. You can also get all of 24 from them.
I had been so looking forward to it Sunday, but after being at work all day couldn't sit still long enough to watch it. You'll have to fill me in before Jan. And I also wouldn't worry too much about the possible strike. If I remember correctly from friends who still work in the biz, because of the format 24 shoots well in advance because it's so labor intensive.
One more thing. Why is it that Keifer Sutherland does nothing for me but I could swallow Jack Bauer whole? Delish.
Sorry your day was so long. Is every Sunday going to be like this in the future?
I have only watched the first series and have to admit it was addictive........ however I haven't watched it since.....
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