Saturday, June 6, 2009

Keeping Score?

In case you've haven't been watching, or in case you haven't been able to get The Stanley Cup Finals on the telly (thanks Versus & the NHL), the match is now down to a best of 3.  We are even going into tonight's game.  Kind of trying on the nerves.  It would have been nice to win at least one of those away games-maybe the one Pittsburgh played with too many men on the ice.  I hope tonight's refs passed at least first grade math.

If you've been wondering how the ordeal is going at Rachel's Place, the score is Flakey 0, Rudee 1 in a TKO.  The Flake has left the building, never to darken that doorstep again.  One of the hospice spiritual care providers will be coming by to do a exorcism blessing on the home soon.  We plan to start anew on better ground.  As far as the APS investigation, it's still in progress.  I can't turn back what this person put into motion.  What a shame.


Stephanie V said...

Good for you! That's a result- hope the rest of it will come out as positive.

Rose said...

No you can't turn back the clock, but you certainly aren't allowing her to win. Good for you. Doesn't anyone ever remember not to mess with the Mama Bear???

Darci said...

How did the game go?

Glad to hear things have gone well so far!

Gail said...

I would have expected nothing less than a TKO. Yoou de champ!!!!!

Rudee said...

Jade- the Wings shut out the Penguins 5-0. One more and they'll be Penguin soup.

Anonymous said...

Two ass kickings in one day.

Jane said...

So glad she has gone, hope the investigation turns gives the right result too

laurie said...

go, penguins!!! (sorry. my husband once worked for the pittsburgh paper.)

Rositta said...

That was some game last night, a shut out. Only I found Grapes choice of jacket kind of boring. We had our bridge night last night but the tv was on and we were cheering for Detroit. Good for you in your battle with "the Flake". I'm sure it will work out in the end...ciao

Rudee said...

Oh Laurie! Too bad, it's so sad the Pens lost last night.

flydragon said...

Yipee, Yea, Woohoo, The wicked witch is gone!!!!!!!!!! Way to go girl!!!!!!!!!!!

sandy said...

Yeah for the TKO...surely all will work out fine!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that horrible person is gone. I'm also glad you're doing a blessing to rid the place of her Aura..