In her place is a woman who looks like her, and yes, even swears like her. You should have heard this woman curse at her dog last night when she saw all he chewed: the phone handset, an x-box controller, Stinkerbell's books, and, dammitall, her one and only tube of Traumeel. That's the best cream around to treat back pain. It sure sounded like Rudee, but after seeing what this woman brought home to wear to that wedding on Saturday, everyone is pretty certain it's not her.
Need evidence?

Here is the dress she bought. While Rudee admits that she is way more comfortable with something that provides coverage only slightly less revealing than a burka, the woman who went shopping with Rudee's credit card today bought nothing more than a dark magenta slip with a sheer negligee-like overdress. It's utterly feminine and has not a trace of black.

For those only interested in the dog...funeral arrangements have been set for Friday.
What a lovely colour, go and have a fantastic time
OOOOH! Just gorgeous. I hope you'll post of the woman who is not Rudee dressed up in that finery. Have fun.
You're going to be a knockout in that get-up!!! I mean Rudee is.
Funny this woman has the same spectacular taste that you do. Verrrrry nice! I don't know which I like better - the dress or the shoes, but together? Va-va-vavoom!
And my condolences to the back cream. Oh and the dog. ;)
Dress is stunning, but I'm glad I'm not in your shoes by 10 pm:):)
I have extra bandaids in my first aid kit you may use!
Bom chicka wow WOW! O.M.G, Ms Foxy, I did not know you dwelt inside of our dear Rudee. I am LOVING that dress, and SLOBBERING about the shoes... and I'm not even that kinda girl myself (jeans mainly). Love to see a pic of the whole ensemble, when Miss Rudee comes out of hiding again... xx
WOW! You are going to knock their socks off.
Funny Word verification! modwited, maybe this is the definition of the New Rudee
Wow, pretty dress and shoes. I don't think I could stand up in those shoes, though. Hope poor Leo can come back out of the doghouse soon.
Both items are beautiful. How exciting to get to get all dolled up. Start practicing your dance moves and dance like you are 18. I would take the shoes off for that though.
we want to see it ON you honey! and the shoes? i'd walk two steps before i fell but they sure do look good!!!
smiles, bee
Definitely...yes to the dress. And the shoes as well. Have a great time.
Love that dress. The color is gorgeous and the shoes will be wonderful with it.
Yes, Cinders, you shall go to the ball.
Perhaps Leo could pull your pumpkin,
Wow! Great dress AND shoes!! Bad Leo. He must have felt jealous....
You made me laugh...yes I'll pray you don't need a hip replacement. The dress is wonderful and I envy you being able to walk in those shoes. I don't think I'll every be able to wear shoes like that again. Can't wait to see pictures of you all dressed up...ciao
smoking hot
ohhhh those shoes!!! It all looks great. Be careful!
HOT! Am completely envious of those shoes! Wide feet + neuroma = no high heels for me. :(
Sometimes you need to live outside your comfort zone. You'll look stunning! Enjoy!!!
Ditto on the neuroma for me too, but that is one hottie outfit. I hope we get to see a pic of you in it. Did hubby misplace you at the party or try to pick you up? Way to go girl.
You'll look a little cracker in that get up Rudee. Show us the pics!
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