Note to self: stop lifting patients up off the floor. You are mere flesh, blood and a woman with a bad back.

I'm thinking it's just L-5 this time and not both L-5 and S-1.
Disclaimer: that is not my ass. Mine is much bigger with way more dimples. I completely swiped this photo from google images.
My motto now is muscle relaxants at the first twinge.
Ouch for sure. Take care of yourself.
Will you be able to knit?
People would pay good money not to see my ass.
L5/S1 combination is where I get it. I diagnosed myself years ago and I'm right..ha. I end up using my heating pad about twice a year and taking it r-e-a-l easy. I only had it get bad about three times in my life. I diagnosed myself with a pinched nerve and muscle spasms and believe I was right then too.
Never had x-rays because I really don't want to know. Hope you feel better.
Yeah, wish my butt looked like that.
Ouch, hope you feel better soon.
uh oh!
I enjoy ice and Advil. Hope you feel better soon.
No lifting, no lifting, no lifting. Keep repeating until you get it, meanwhile a good shot of scotch...ciao
Sandy, you never know what you'll find out in a xray. Last time I found out I have an L6! (Extra lumbar vertebrae) I didn't know that was possible but have since met a "lot" of people who have either an extra or are short one. I suppose it averages out!
Ouch - nurses do so many silly things in caring for our patients we forget to look after ourselves and end up hurting - hope it gets better soon.
and therein lies the eternal question. what *do* you do when a hospice patient falls. you can't call 911. here, you can't call your local firehouse...all calls have to be screened through one 911center on the other side of the island. plus, they're so busy, they don't have time to come help you. i had a patient once...darling (and very tall and heavy) guy with ALS...who fell and lord god...what to do? i finally called my son who was 15ish at the time and fairly close by. poor matt, my son, was somewhat taken aback at the sight that met him, but he was awesome and had muscles thank god. together we slowly, slowly, slowly got my patient to sitting, to standing to w/chair. i've thrown my back out a bunch of times too. i'm so sorry you're hurting.
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