My latest project was out of my control, if you call being possessed as out of control. Strolling through the magazine racks at Barnes and Noble, my gaze fell upon the fall issue of, Vogue Knitting. It was the cover photo that spoke to me as I usually never buy this magazine. Oh sure, the model is pretty enough, and I love her necklace, but that cardigan? Must be mine. Will be mine. I recognized the yarn without having to look it up, and a voice in my mind yelled at me, "hey, you have a boatload of Rowan Kidsilk Haze that's been waiting for a project like this!" Well, there's not precisely a boatload, but certainly enough. I have seven skeins. And look! The instructions call for exactly that.
I swatched. Not a whole swatch mind you (there are only 7 skeins), but enough (2 lace repeats) to let me know that I was spot on gauge with a size 6 needle. The needles I was using for the baby blanket. Yet another reason for that project to wait. I cast on yesterday afternoon and knit the beginnings of the picot border and then the lace part of that before I realized I should have done a provisional cast on so I could knit the hem instead of seaming it later. Too late! I'm not unraveling mohair. I knit the second half of the hem and began the lace. Only then did it become apparent that I had the wrong tools for the job. The Addi turbos were not going to do. I needed sharp tips and I didn't have Addi Lace needles in a US size 6. I had a 4, 5, and 7, but no 6.
What's a knitter to do? I headed to the yarn store to buy a pair. I ignored the yarn (though Leo got a snoot full of every basket at nose level), intending only to buy the needles. I escaped with Leo, the needles and the cutest thermal glass. It was close. I wanted to snoop in the boxes of yarn waiting to be displayed, but I was good. Besides, I wanted to get home and and transfer those stitches to the much sharper lace needles.
The weather is too warm here to wear mohair, but it's not too hot to knit with it. It's whisper light and the perfect thing to knit in this hot weather we have here in Motown. Besides, I have my thermal, non-sweating glass full of lemonade to keep me cool now.
So yes, while I have a lot of projects waiting for attention, yet again, I've been sidetracked. Who cares? I'm an ambitious little knitter and there are always fewer hours in the day to do all of the great things my mind says I can do.
Deal with it. I know I do.
that is just beautiful!!!
i do the same thing with books, i usually am partway into four or five at a time. oh well, not to worry. right? right.
smiles, bee
My kitchen table looks like a kindergarten school room. Papers, paints, ribbons, just enough room for HH and I to find a place to sit down and eat. One of our kids will come over and say "Mom want me to straighten up for you?" NO,NO,No, everything is in disorderly order.LOL
Can't wait to see the sweater.
Sounds oh so familiar! You look very well set up for an afternoon of knitting
You sound like us quilters. We call ours UFO [UnFinishedObjects] - so what...they all get done eventually and I think crafty people have a touch of ADD anyway -
Who cares what you have started, haven't finished, etc.
Far as I can tell I still owe you soap and I don't hear you bitchin' about it. :)
This sweater looks beautiful [love the color] and I so want that cup - I hate when my ice tea sweats. Mess.
So, so exactly what I've been doing. And you're right, not apologetic at all. You are crazy brave to knit with kidsilk but it is gorgeous!!! Go Ruth! BTW, scope went fine; don't have to go again for 10 years, woo hoo!!!
That is going to be pretty, Rudee (especially with your skills).
Hm, haven't seen the Fall issue out yet. I like Vogue patterns -some are wild (that's probably why I like 'em:) )
That green is gorgeous. I can really empathise with you Rudee. So much lovely wool and just not enough time to knit it all.
I'm lucky I don't have a decent wool shop near me or I'd be in there all the time. Still I have to be strong and not look at wool websites and any more patterns until I get some of my bags of wool and I mean bags, finished.
It really is beautiful, when you do finish it, it will be amazing. No rush.
I do the same thing with books. I have a bunch started, and my goal this summer is to finish the ones I have started. Now with my Kindle, I keep getting new ones, I'm just dying to start. So far, I've been keeping to the promise I made to myself, but it is no fun.
UFO's well how many lurking at the back of my quilting cupboard ?? don't know - have too many others that need doing now.
Ah well one day.
I love this! I have been so busy this month, but I was in a San Francisco book store last week and saw the vogue knitting magazine, didn't pick it up... knew it would be dangerous. Damn, now I think I have to... am loving lace right now! Yours is beautiful... love the color.
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