I find that people fall firmly on one side or the other of the coconut debate. Either they love it, or they hate it, few have no opinion. With such a sweet flavor, I'm sort of surprised by that. It's not like coconut has a strong taste like onions, or even peppers. Personally, I think it's wonderful. It's even better when the nut is hollowed out to make room for a fabulous cocktail, and then topped off with tropical fruit and an umbrella. It tastes ten times better if you're consuming said drink under a palm tree. Does it get better than that?
Today, I was perusing my high tech filing system for a recipe for lemon bars. I knew it was there somewhere, and when I finally found it, I was surprised the crust contained coconut. It's been so long since I made them, I forgot. Because I had no coconut on hand, I used Ina Garten's lemon bar recipe. As I write this, they're baking so I'll have to hold off my judgment of her rendition.
For Christmas, I received a new binder to hold my family treasure trove of recipes. My daughter, who just happens to give the most thoughtful gifts, thought I needed a new one when she saw me rifling through the old one on Thanksgiving. She even started it for me. Now it's just shy of being a perfect gift, that one would have been completely filled out. Never the less, I'm not taking the nasty old card file with me when I move. I hope to have the new one completely done by then.
ETA-Ina's lemon bars were pretty darned tasty. A little rich, but oh so tart. I love that. As soon as these are gone, and I've had some time to go out and buy some elastic waisted pants, I'll try the one with the coconut crust. Oh! Go to my sidebar and tell me how you really feel about flaky stuff.
What a lovely daughter you have. When I got married, my mum gave me my very own personalised recipie book, a file containing hand written recipies from friends.
I am one of those that love it and can't get enough of it. I don't eat it every day or even once a month (?) but when I do I eat a lot of it. Magic Bars once a year and Hawaiian blizzards sometimes, anything with coconut. Love it! May try your recipe for the fish fries. Thanks!
I hate coconut so much! Ever since I was a little girl, I could not stand the taste, texture or even the smell. I still remember when my grandmother made me a beautiful cake,covered in coconut. It looked like a giant snowball. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so I tried to eat some. It almost made me sick. As an adult, I can detect that distinct flavor in just about anything, and I won't eat or drink it. Weird, because there are very few things that I have such an aversion to in the food department.
I love how you organize your recipes. That was so sweet of your daughter. I wish I had some of my mom's recipes written down.
Miss, that's a wonderful gift. I'll have to remember that.
Brenda, are you a Mounds or Almond Joy girl? I like the dark chocolate of a Mounds bar, but wish it had an almond too.
Cheryl, my grandmother used to bake me a cake just like that. Her boiled frosting was from scratch, and the coconut was fresh. I loved that cake-and the rest of the family didn't. Too bad for them.
My sister gave my mom a recipe box many many years ago. When my mom died, I got the box and the book with recipes hand written. I love the notes and the drips and splashes.
My mom used to make coconut coated ice cream balls covered with chocolate. I just found the recipe last week, and reading your post reminded me about them. I am smiling.
Debra, I think you need to make those ice cream balls now.
I'd rather slam my hand in a drawer then eat Coconut!!!!!
Oh Fudge,
Don't hold back, tell me how you really feel. Do you recall when Grandma made my white cake, piled high with fluffy white coconut frosting? It was mine. All MINE!
So I know what to get your for your birthday; Coconuts; The question is should I buy a pound or just a couple of nuts. And Yes I remember!!!!!
I like coconuts, but they're kind of hard to peel.
Our family use to exchange White Elephant gifts at Thanksgiving. One year I gave a coconut. It surprised everyone!
Yum! Lemon bars! I think you would enjoy life in the tropics where I live (Puerto Rico). You can get coco frio (cold coconut) in the raw...they just cut a hole open at the top of a coconut, stick in a straw and you drink the coconut water. When that is finished, you ask the man to "open it"; he breaks the shell in half with a large knife. Then he gives you a piece from the top to scoop out the soft white coconut. Not dry, mind you. Imagine. I love it.
Btw I was born over there in Michigan, too. I hope you are not still burned out from your taxing job. ICU and hospice- difficult.
Love the idea of a family recipe book...wonderful to have such a thoughtful daughter. <3
I do like coconut and these sound good. I try not to take though because I can't leave it alone. Store bought sweets, no problem...don't touch them...but home baked. What a nice daughter you have.
Thanks for the recipe link. My lot love anything lemony.
CC, I think coconuts are a perfect gift to give, unless we're talking about my brother buying me something for my birthday, then they're not. Unless they're attached to a tropical trip, then they are.
Cynthia, I'm insanely jealous. The high in Detroit is 18-with the sun shining. It's so stinking cold even the snow won't melt on the road.
Sandy, I bet you don't need elastic waist pants today. I do.
Expat-you're welcome. I'm going to take the tray of these I baked up to my office. Just my son and I are eating these. They're fabulous.
A very thoughtful girl.
I quite like coconut especially in Bounty Bars. I love the smell of it in that suntan lotion too.
I saw a podcast and thought about you. Not sure whether you have this already. It's called Socks in the City and it's in the iTunes store. One thing puzzles me though I would have thought a knitting podcast would be a video one not just audio.
Best of luck with the househunting.
I love fresh coconot...not the shredded sweet stuff. In New Guinea we made coconut milk by scraping the meat inside with a seashell which had a cerrated (sp)edge. After it was all squeezed out you could squeeze it for the milk. Yum. I also love coconut water as described by Cynthia. I lived in PR too, and those coco stands by the side of the road? Delicioso!
I'll have to send you a recipe I made one birthday for the hubby, a homemeade carrot cake, and it uses coconut. I'm not crazy at all about the stuff, but this was pretty good.
Love the thoughtfulness of your little chickadee.
What a thoughtful gift from your sweet daughter. Get it filled with your favorite recipes, so you will be ready to cook and bake as soon as you find the right nest!
I like coconut. I don't indulge in it often, but I do enjoy it, when I do.
The salsa recipe YUMMY! I made that last friday!!
Thanks for the birthday presents. I was wearing my scarf around the house the other day!!
Dana, I think you should make some for me. You know, I think I should at least get one little picture of you in your hand knit garb. I'm glad you liked it though.
I LOVE coconut!
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