I'd like to point out that in order to procrastinate on packing this crazy house up, I've cast on for yet another project. This began innocently enough whilst on a quest for the trim yarn to match the phat yarn I bought for the thick and thin sweater (it's almost ready for sleeves). I wanted Cascade 220 to follow the pattern, and I'd found a perfect substitute with Mission Falls worsted weight. Not one to be easily satisfied, I went to my second favorite yarn store to snoop around for some of what I really wanted. Interestingly, both yarn stores are owned by nurses. I think that's why I choose to spend my money with them.
Well the owner of my second favorite store (we'll call her Rose since that's her name), was showing off a project she'd just finished with her own hand dyed wool, and the next thing you know, my bag was stuffed with 1125 yards of her merino superfine, and the pattern book to get the job done. Surprisingly, I didn't realize how she shmoozed me right into that purchase until I was 5 miles away. She even offered to help me with it if I got stuck. Lace is not my area of expertise, try as I may, I always flub it. Just ask last month's lace project that's still in a time out. I did not find the Cascade color I was searching for, but I did find one that was close. I think I may be done making up for time (and yarn) lost while on my yarn diet.
I don't think I'm going to tell you what it is, as I'd prefer to make you guess. What would start out on double points, and take every last yard of the wool to knit? What do you think this wants to be if I don't mess it up?
Moving - don't envy you at all. Did it nearly 4 years agao and have no wish to do so again, although desperatley wanted to move to dream house in great location.
Pack in time limited lots - go pack for half an hour then stop or just do one drawer shelf or small area.
Rember you have to unpack that is almost as hard.Be ruthless with stuff you really don't need sort now and when unpacking you will discard stuff again - amazing how much stuff we have.
It will a all be worth it in the end when you are moved and settled.
This yarn looks lovely, can't wait to see what it becomes
You are the knitting and packing fairy :)
Oddly enough, my favorite yarn store is owned by a former teacher! Weird, huh? As for the moving fairy: beware. That's the one who packs 8 bazillon boxes and marks them all "miscellaneous". But remember, while you're knitting, your brain is thinking about moving and will have a master plan soon. (That should be in a fortune cookie somewhere) :) Good luck!
Ha, the first thing I checked is your "stash enhancment" which I noticed hasn't changed since "thrice". ??. I of course have no idea what you're knitting since I'm not one of "those" people but I do know a little something about fairies. And if your "packing fairy" ever shows up, ask her where the heck is her lazy sister "dusting fairy" cause she certainly hasn't shown up at my house in a loooooong time!!!
I am sure your wonderful family members will all be there to help you Rudee. Call them all this weekend and entice them with alcoholic beverages, etc. On second thought, leave that for moving day. Alcohol and packing may not be a good mix. The hardest part for me is getting started, especially when there is a big job to do. It all seems so overwhelming.
Sounds like you had fun at the yarn store. I found some needles at a resale shop yesterday. Now I have to do something to justify buying them.
I will try to guess a sock for the photo, since I only know of two things that are tubular shaped. Socks, hats...or sleeves? I am stumped.
What sweet lovely yarn. The colors are luminous. I love the colors and textures of the fiber----I just can't knit. So I surround myself with those who can :-)
You will get the packing done because you will have to.
Sorry, my brain went into a brain freeze when I read the word,"packing."
I jokingly say that this house will be sold "as is"...haha, I'm not really joking.
Procrastination has a much lovelier ring to it than packing.
If you need it though, I can start waving a ruler along North I-75 and threaten to come to come up there. I'm a giver:>)
I would be the same way when it comes to packing up a house. I have so many things to do here if we do put it up on the market in awhile. And I am in denial about all of them. We just head out to go play instead of working around here.
Love the project you are working on. Sounds so soft...that yarn....
Lovely looking project. I too would have been easily smoozed.
As to packing - one step at a time, one room at a time, one drawer at a time - Baby steps!
I can help you move but I can't help you knit.
I have started only the definitely piles Ruth. The yarn and needles are packed, oh, and the knitting books. Everything else is but a thought. I did pick up 70 boxes though. They had a fire sale at work and needed to get rid of all of these boxes. I got lucky.
Miss, it's a traditional British Isles shawl-a Gate and Ladder Circle Shawl from Traditional Knitted Lace Shawls. It's lace, so we'll see. The store owner told me it was idiot proof. Hah! I don't think she knows me well.
Rose-I'll have to watch out for the packing fairy. Thanks for the heads up on the misc. labels.
Flydragon-I only promised a yarn diet until the beginning of March. I've made up for lost time in just one week. If you knew what I spent, you hair would stand on end.
Kat-I hope you love knitting. Desire to learn is the first step. Once you do, plan on building an addition for the yarn.
Brenda, would it work if I drank the alcohol and directed traffic?
Debra, I can't do what you do, so I get it.
Distracted-you can imbibe with me and help direct traffic with that ruler.
Sandy, I'm glad I'm not alone.
Jane-she sweet talked me into that yarn, and then made me try the sample shawl on. I'm so weak...
Gail-sold. In return, I'll knit you some socks to wear down on the farm.
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