I've given birth. Nine months is such a long time but really, it seems to have flown. This afternoon, at precisely 1:30 PM EST, I finished my pink sweater. I'll post pictures later but it's cozy, soft pink and warm. I finished seaming while watching MSNBC which has only made my blood pressure go up.
Wisely having made the decision to drive this time, the Big 3 is back in Washington with their hands out. I watched a little of the Senate hearings and can honestly say, the whole thing makes me a little sick. I feel despair at the bleak economic climate in Michigan. We've felt the pinch of recession here for longer than most of the rest of this country. It really is dismal.
Today, I've taken notice of where the majority of senators who oppose these loans seem to come from. It's those states marked in red-the sunbelt states. How much money do taxpayers dole out for people who build and rebuild in areas prone to fires, mudslides, floods, hurricanes, tornados and earthquakes? Take another look at that map and tell me where most of those disasters occur. Can you say sunbelt? Never once have I thought or said the people and businesses choosing to rebuild should not be allowed to do so. I also take note that many of these same states are the same ones that companies like Nissan, Toyota, Hyundai and Honda call their home away from home. Hmm. Now if the Big 3 car companies are ever to become competitive again, don't stop with the loans senators-level the playing field with FAIR trade agreements. How about we tell those foreign car companies that they can import as much as they allow us to export to their countries? I've always believed in tit for tat.
Wisely, I've changed the station now and I'm snuggled up in my pink sweater pondering what I should tackled next. Bolstered by success, I guess it'll be my daughter's green sweater. I hope to give birth to that sometime in the next 2 weeks.
Where's the picture of that pink sweater?
Sorry I don't understand the rest of the content of your post and the Big3, obviously something that's specfic to USA.
The big 3 are Chrysler, General Motors and Ford motor company-all of which are on the brink of economic failure and begging for a loan from the government.
I'll post a picture of the sweater later-when my face is presentable. Now, where'd I put that plastic surgeon's number?
LOL and congratulations on the new addition to your sweater drawer.
Not lol on the big three.
Yeah! Your sweater is done. I need to go check out the news now, I am a bit behind on it. I have an award for you at my Days blog.
Wondered how the Detroit area is faring at the moment. Perhaps the Big 3 should get rid of the incompetent execs who were not forward thinking enough to prevent the present situation. It would show that they intend to manage their business better in the future. Trouble is, I suspect that those same execs are the ones sitting round the table in Washington now, with everyone's livelihoods in their hands. Bit of a Catch 22 really.
The big three will get their bailout. They are coming cap in hand to our government too but in their wisdom are holding off a bit. Canada is afraid that the U.S. bailout will have them pull plants out of Canada. I've been glue to the TV for different reasons these day and I need to stop now. By the way, they would have to come up with some fantastic car, fantastic price and a vehicle that is dependable for me to ever consider an American car again, sorry...ciao
I am just appalled by the senate hearings. What a double standard. Nothing remotely like this occurred to the banks or insurance institutions....
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