In the knitting department, we are seeing gains. Tonight I'll cast on and hopefully finish the sleeves for the sweater. Now don't go thinking that my lace looks rather blobby and hideous. It hasn't been blocked (or hemmed) yet, but that will happen if the therapist doesn't make mincemeat of me later on. Blocking is where miracles happen with lace and the knitter must have great faith in water and wire (or pins). The photo itself isn't great as I took it with the Mac. I can't find my camera, nor my son's.
As I write this, Leo is being escorted by his master to Doggy Day Camp. He is going to be evaluated for inclusion into the pack of dogs that visit this joint just a mile down the street. His master doesn't have faith. I'm not so sure myself. He barks at every dog he sees when he's on the leash or in our yard, but things may be better when there are others around to put him in his proper place. Doggy Day Camp costs $23 a day, but it's all day long from 9 AM to 6 PM. We're hopeful it'll help him play well with others.
Heard as they were leaving for the assessment:
"Please don't embarrass me."
"I'm sure they'll kick us out"
Wish Leo well. He needs all the help he can get.
Mum and dad had a dog that was like that, but leave her with someone else and she couldn't care less how many dogs there were! Hope the training goes well
it is so hard to train a delinquent dog! i got told 'madam, your dog is untrainable' by my dog trainer. Though i think by now they would be diagnosing dogs with ADHD and all sorts wouldn't they?
I have a friend who has a training center for dogs (haven't seen her in a while though). Yes, I wish Leo well, because he'll learn to listen:):)
Love the lacy sweater you're working on!
the sweater is lovely! and tell leo not to lick himself in public please!
smiles, bee
ps: oh, and never trust a dog to watch your food for you.
The lacy sweater looks great. Can't wait to see it blocked and hemmed. Poor Leo. Doggy Day Camp...sigh. Hope he brings home a medal for being best doggy.
Doggy Day Camp? Really? What a cool idea. Hope it helps - love the name of the post btw.
The sweater is lovely, blocked or not. I can't wait to see it on you. :)
I wish we could send Spottie to camp. She would stop working her [supposedly] non barking breed of a big brother into a frenzy. lol
Dogs, like children, sometimes behave better when the parents are not around. Maybe, call the dog whisperer.
I love this sweater, so light and the color is wonderful.
Hope you get to feeling better soon.
good luck on that doggy day care. Wow, thing are expensive now a days.
Good luck Leo! I think he is a one dog family. I am sure he has a lot of bad memories to deal with from his past. I hope he does well. He is such a beautiful fella.
Love that colour. Don't forget to show us it after it's been blocked. I've procrastinated as usual and my lace shawl is still lying in the bag. Must get it out again.
Best of luck with the doggy.
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