Oh! I see you plan to grill the bread first and you've slathered it in olive oil. Mmmm. My favorite! Can I lend a paw to help you out? You know...you should be resting. Really. You go sit on the heating pad and I will have that done in no time flat. I'll even remember to scrape the garlic on the grilled bread when I'm all done. I loves me some grilled garlic toast. Yum. Better than bacon if you ask me, though it would be better with bacon on top.
See? I can be good. I'll just wait here for you to drop the bread. No problem. I'maverypatientdogI'maverypatientdogI'maverypatientdog. Patience is my middle name. I know it's girlie, but if it works, I'll let you call me that.
The monkeys are now doing flips and we are drawing on the power of the Buddhas to help out. Does it count as double since we can see their reflections in the granite? I'd like to think so.
Your dear puppy's dialogue is so spot-on. My dogs speak exactly the same way, especially when food is being prepared. I hope your pain goes away soon.
Leo is such a baby, love'em to pieces, cutie pie, can I squish him now and let him sit on my feet for hours kind of pup. You did good adopting him Rudee. God love him. squee.
I need to post a pic' of our Boomer on my blog so you can understand my [weird] attachment to Leo. lol. They were brothers, I swear. Except Leo got the height [Boomer was our dachshund]
Stay off of the sciatic nerve girlie - not good [I know it is hard to do, but that has to hard to do]. At least you have the Leo baby.
Why do dogs always make you feel so guilty when you're eating? Wishing you all the very best for a speedy recovery from the pain
Hey Rudee, did you get the cake in the end? I want to know how so I can get one from my Mum too!
Good things come to those who wait.
If you continue with your wonderful theraphy, maybe you will drop some of that toast soon and have a happy dog.
So sorry the powers that be are making you do "light duty" without regard for how it's causing you more pain. You'd think the medical profession would know better. Thank goodness for Leo's cuteness; I hope he was rewarded.
word verification: auntrag
Our departed retriever would wait patiently for almost anything that happened to drop from the counter. But her favorites were apple pieces and ice cubes.
I hope that your pain is less today although I can't imagine what they're thinking- making you actually work through the pain. That just seems wrong.
Leo is a doll... that camera angle makes his nose look a mile long. Or maybe it just is?
Would it be considered subtle if you asked your boss for a ROHO while in the office doing work?
it is amazing to me that your new interim job is so detrimental to your healing. good grief. i would beg to stop with the filing. i doubt they'll supply you with a roho, but it wouldn't hurt to ask...crazyness
bless his little heart, honey give him some BREAD! ha ha ha
smiles, bee
ps: and feel better
Leo is so funny and that is exactly what he is thinking. I hope he got the bread, in the end. I get that times 2, with every meal. Daisy and Sadie have the best hearing when it comes to food. It is amazing. Leo has those beautiful eyes too, so hard to say no too. I just would love to scratch his belly. So sweet.
I hate how they are treating you at work. Keep being a thorn, get a workers comp. lawyer. That is horrible how they are making it worse. Sciatica is one of the worse kinds of pains and nothing to play around with.
I hope you are feeling better, but if work keeps doing this to you, I don't know how you will recover.
Take good care of yourself.
Awww, Leo is SO beautiful. How could anyone resist those eyes? They are, like, melting!
I hope your back and the sciatica are better real soon... xxxooo
Ask them to bring in an ergonomics expert to create a workspace for you that won't make your back even worse than it is!!!
Of course, they are not going to do that, so make them bring in a high table so you can stand part of the time. Or a recliner that supports your back while your review the records.
Cute Leo, but I must admit I was really taken with the bread myself.
isn't it great to have a dog again??
and your place of work sounds f***ed up.
Hope things are getting better at work.
Rudee, I have been away for a while with things. Leo is just too adorable. Does he like to let you hug him? THere is something so special about Dobies. They are so smart.
I wish you had been able to go to the chiropractor. I don't get it. Why are they making you work?
I hope the monkies jump up and do flips and the Budhas will change your luck. I am sure their reflection counts double.
Feel better soon.
Rudee, I have been away for a while with things. Leo is just too adorable. Does he like to let you hug him? THere is something so special about Dobies. They are so smart.
I wish you had been able to go to the chiropractor. I don't get it. Why are they making you work?
I hope the monkies jump up and do flips and the Budhas will change your luck. I am sure their reflection counts double.
Feel better soon.
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