Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's Official

The extended greeting is set on my work Blackberry, and my Microsoft Outlook away message is on, too. Of course, this won't stop colleagues from calling to give me a heads up about patients going south. I have news though...they'll have to go south without me. I'm heading south on my own, albeit, in a much better manner.

My brother and I are piling into my Escape around 5 am on Thursday. I have no plans. I want no plans. Well, maybe the farmer's market on Saturday. Then again, maybe not. I'm packing my wheel and taking some knitting with me, but nothing new. Just three WIPS (works in progress for you non-knitters) will be making the trek. I will be stopping in to see the Needle Lady's new digs if I get downtown, but like I said, I've got no plans.

It should be an interesting 600 miles with my brother. He leans way to the right and is certain to have a book penned by that literary genius, Glen Beck or that other preacher, Rush Vicodin-Poppin' Limbaugh. I'm planning on reordering my Sirius satellite radio so I can play some serious left wing drivel for him. Good times ahead, people. Good times. Wish us well--no yelling, political baiting, fisticuffs or name calling will be involved. It's a vacation for God's sake. Safe territory is BP bashing, the weather, medicine and work. Just in case, I'm taking earbuds.

While my youngest brother isn't joining us, I did find something for him to watch and enjoy:

You know, FTM, it seemed so much more dangerous when we did this. These people are pansies, what with the Sheriff there to tow them to safety. Of course, we never went in under the bridge, either. To that, I have to say, Screw Loose, is an understatement! I bet a lot of people peed in the river that day. I know I would going under that bridge.

For those who don't know this neck of the woods, a neck is what it is. The water from Lake Huron drops into the St. Clair River with amazing force at a sort of bottleneck where the two bodies of water meet. The strength of the eddies and the current are a sight to behold.


Jane said...

no plans seems perfect, enjoy every minute of it

Rose said...

Have fun!! I thought about stopping in at the Needle Lady on my way home from Blacksburg yesterday, but since I just bought unneeded yarn in the Outer Banks last week and in Blacksburg this week, I abstained. Hoping to live vicariously through your purchases though :)

unmitigated me said...

Have a wonderful time, Rudee. You deserve a good break. I am heading north on Friday for ten wonderful, stress-free days.

Gail said...

Enjoy! You seem to be in the vacation state of mind, I can hear cheeriness coming through.

Rudee said...

Miss, I will, thank you.

Rose, I laughed when I opened my laptop and saw an invitation to knit night at the Needle Lady for Thursday.

Mary, have fun. I'm still in awe that you know the bell ringer from Monday's story. That's amazing!

Gail-I've started my vacay already and I'm on my back porch sipping coffee. I won't tell you what the temperature is, but I'm considering getting a little jacket to put on.

NCmountainwoman said...

How is it that we left-leaners have such conservative brothers?

Have a wonderful trip. BTW: "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" is still running through my head!

Rudee said...

Mountain Woman, I blame Reagan. He was fine before him. Since then, he's donned blinders and grown a thick, hard skull.

Finding Pam said...

I hope you have a great vacation. Come back rested and renewed. I know how much you deserve it.

Stephanie V said...

Funny that your brother is on the other side of the is mine. How does that happen?

Have a great vacation. Spin, spin, spin. Oh and knit a little. Play with yarn and relax - you've earned this.

Brenda said...

Have a great time Rudee. We will miss your posts!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for you. Man that was my cup of tea when I was in my teens. We had to go a few miles to get to the lake but there was always someone going. Love it. Have a wonderful time.

Celia said...

Differing political views makes for interesting family dynamic. Hubs and f-i-l have agreed not to speak of politics or religion while in public. Someone might call the police.

Michaela said...

Have a great vacation! Cant wait to hear all about it. I am sure it will be good for you to have a complete change of scene. xxooo

Larjmarj said...

That is so weird, my brother, same story. So he was a Reagan Fan? I'd only let him suck on ketchup packets the entire trip since as we all know Ronnie declared ketchup a vegetable. He should be able to sustain himself for a week on that. ;-) May the force and maybe the power of Rachel Maddow be with you.

Unknown said...

After reading this post, and watching the video I had flashbacks of me 6 years old kicking, screaming and crying with orange arm floaties on in the St. Clair River.
Talk about pansies..... Try swimming that current 3 feet tall! Now I know where I learned how to tread water like an actual pro.

Where were we that day? I think it was a 4th of July party?!?!?!
Of course this flashback led to where you and Uncle Bum would sneak me into the St. Clair Inn pool (much safer, but probably not legal) on hot summer days. This trick came in handy as a teenager growing up without a pool. ;)