For the record, I know of 3 uses for Mother's Milk. None of them include use of propofol (Diprivan) as a sleeping agent. This drug is used solely for well monitored conscious sedation in an ER, a longer term (but still limited) use in an ICU for sedation WHILE ON LIFE SUPPORT, and in an OR as part of sedation during surgery.
The drug's effects are short lived which makes it an ideal medication for each of those scenarios and would make it a poor choice for getting a good night's sleep.
Was the lure of $150,000 a month working for MJ enough to make someone throw away his career or even life? What doctor in his right mind would administer a drug under such risky circumstances? It may have been what his client wanted, but a jury of this doctor's peers are not going to think he acted reasonably. He's done.
Greed. It'll bite you in the arse every time.
I was just thinking this tonight after reading article on it. Shocking and scary stuff!
the pet name for that drug? 'milk of amnesia'...i've only ever seen it used in the icu and all of those pts were intubated etc. its just hideous isn't it, to know he was using it for insomnia. just crazy.
Stranger than fiction. Who do you think will star in the movie of his life?
Well, he'll end up in prison for his greed for sure, and it serves him right!
I think your sidebar quote explains a lot. I didn't know what the drug was used for normally.
I saw the picture of MJ's legs due to needles. His whole story was sad - such a waste of talent and life
i saw the full video of his hair on fire--his entire head looked like it was engulfed in flames, and yet he continued to dance. it was horrible.
i felt like that explained an awful lot.
it doesn't explain everything. but man oh man that must have been so awfully painful, for such a long time.
Rudee, The surgery my daughter was very rare, according to her surgeon. As soon as I look up what she told us. I have a couple of questions to ask you.
Laurie, I don't doubt MJ was in a world of hurt. They say his troubles began with that burn and I believe it. My question is more to the doctor being out of his mind. He took an oath and made a horrific error in judgement. Outside of a monitored environment with highly skilled staff, there is just no use for this drug.
The whole thing is just very, very sad.
Is he a quack to begin with... it didn't sound like he knew how to administer cpr. Aren't you suppose to do it with the patient on a firm surface rather than a bed?
And 30 minutes passed before 911 was called?
I think both of them were out of their minds... both MJ and the doctor.
So since I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist I always thought he was killed. The promoters knew he couldn't do fifty shows, he was insured and what better way to recoup losses than by having him dead. Pay the good doctor some bucks in a nice offshore account to help it along a bit and your in business. From the bits and pieces I've heard it might be hard to make a charge stick against the good doctor or at least a serious charge. Too many other doctors were right up there giving this poor sod drugs....ciao
Because I know nothing about drugs and their uses in the same way that a nurse or doctor would, I will just have to comment that I agree with you Rudee. Greed controlled the Dr. and anyone else involved. Rosita had an interesting theory also.
FYI--there's a national shortage of Vecuronium. I think they should look in Mr.Michael's bathroom cabinets...
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