I can't recall the last thing I cooked in my stock pot. Probably pasta.
Today, that which can finally be mentioned has finally moved up a notch in my eyes. Right now it's bathing in a cap full of Soak and some cool water. The sheets have been stripped from the bed to make way for the pinning of this stunning work of art.
Pinch me!!! It's all done now except the blocking. It should look amazing! Right now I'm off to buy a bajillion stainless steel pins.
ETA the Metamorphosis:

ETA the Metamorphosis:
The blob after a bath
It felt good to walk all over this. Just my attempt to squeeze out all of the water.
All pinned to the bed to dry. I hope it's done by the end of my shift. To be certain, the A/C is on and a fan is blowing on the shawl.
Oh Rudee, it's beautiful! What a gorgeous piece of work. You must be filled with pride. I didn't know that you had to wash it before you finish it??
Congratulations on you thing that can now be mentioned. Yeah Rudee!!!
Thank you, Cynthis. It's a relief.
It is gorgeous, just gorgeous! What an accomplishment! Congratulations!
Oh Rudee it is gorgeous. I did a table cloth with that pattern many years ago. Oh the counting was notoriously a chore. I can't believe I got so tired of looking at those damn things I got rid of all of them. I wish I had them now. My kids and GD would love them. I could never do a pattern more than once. Are you that way? Always wanted to try something new.
Holy cow! Congrats!
Mission accomplished and no casualties. This is a work of art. It should be framed and put on a wall to be admired by all who pass by. Such art should never be packed away in a box or drawer.
I tried leaving a comment earlier and something went wrong. Now I have to try and remember what fabulous things I said. Oh yes...Wow! A M A Z I N G.....I can't even do a simple little shawl so I am really impressed. Was that the beautiful Sarah modeling it? And did you get a pedicure for the foot photo? Ha...Dumb questions my mind comes up with. Really liked the photo on the porch swing. Great job Rudee!
Awesome! It turned out to be absolutely gorgeous!
OH Rudee! It's absolutely beautiful! You'll win first prize!
that's the most beautiful shawl i've ever seen! congratulations!
Woweeee! this is beautiful. Well done you, fantastic work and worth all the blood, sweat and tears
What a beautiful shawl. It's gorgeous. Congratulations on a huge achievement.
Oh, my, it's as beautiful as all get out! A work of art, to be sure. You must be so pleased and proud, Rudee.
Happy weekend!
oh my god. it's gorgeous! a big swirling star. i can't believe it! it's amazing! and way in time for the state fair, yes?
Absolutely stunning!!! I only wish I was as artistic and creative as you...I am as bull headed!
Hats off to you for sticking with it! That will be just a lovely shawl to wear. Beautiful work.
That first phot sort of reminds me of Gwyneth Paltrow's underpants in Shallow Hal.
PS, a very beautiful and impressive piece of work. (btw most people spell photo with an 'o', that's so yesterday)
What an amazing shawl, you are so creative. Should win that blue ribbon, no question...ciao
Way to go, Rudee. High five! So now what? How about a big bottle of champagne to celebrate. And strawberries dipped in chocolate.
Really, you should be very proud. It's resplendent.
oh my, its absolutely GORGEOUS!! Wow. You can stand tall and proud now!!
That is one A-mazingly beautiful piece of work!! Kudos to you.
Beautifull - you must be so proud of yourself
APPLAUSE!!!!! Rudee this is gorgeous! Wow, you must be thrilled with your creation, I would be.
Oh it is a lovely work of art! You have inspired me to pick up a shawl I worked on for months and just got so tired of it I couldn't continue. It's more than half finished and if you can do it, so can I.
Kudos to you and your fortitude! It is absolutely wonderful.
Stopping by to give a little blog ♥
Wow! That turned out really pretty. i would be too scared to even try anything to do with dye because I am dangerous with bleach...LOL
That is fantastic Rudee. You've inspired me to knit a shawl. It won't be such a mammoth one as this. Just a lacy triangle to start with. I haven't been blogging for a few days as I've been looking at shawl patterns and lace wool websites!
Thanks for the info on what to do when it's finished. I was clueless. Not sure what I can pin it to. Maybe a sheet on the spare bed if I can keep the moggies off!
I can't get over how big it is and how lovely, fantastic colour too.
Oh wow. It's gorgeous!
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