Twenty one years ago, I checked myself into the local hospital to have labor induced. My son needed a kick start to get out into the world. In complete opposition to this summer's weather, the summer of 1988 was sweltering and I couldn't wait to birth that child and be done with things. He had other ideas and decided to be late. Maybe he was late because we couldn't decide on a name. On our drive to the hospital, we were still discussing the merits of our last two choices of either Matthew or Andrew as lifetime labels. In the delivery room, we named him Brian.
The hot temperatures began in April that year and didn't let up all summer. Everything about me was huge: my belly, my face, my grotesquely swollen hands and feet, and my big mouth. I don't think I ever complained so much in my life as I did during the summer of '88. The last trimester was pure misery because of the heat.
As much trouble as this tardy boy was from the beginning, he has been a joy to have in my life ever since. When he was 16 and his grandmother was ill, his grades slipped quite a bit as the importance of school began to pale in comparison to the importance of life and love. Mimi was his best friend and he was losing her. I wasn't concerned about his grades though as I caught a glimpse of the caring man he would become. He took care of her everyday needs. Every day. No task of caregiving was too distasteful, hard or embarrassing for him to do for her. It was his way of giving back to a woman who'd given him everything, but most importantly, unconditional love. In the aftermath of this, he sees to his grandfather's needs which is no easy task. He does this every day, too.
I'm proud of this young man and his accomplishments. I forgive him for being late the first time I met him, but I have to admit it's taken me 21 years to say so out loud.
Happy Birthday, Bri.
Sounds like a lovely son, must take after his mother
Ah, Rudee, you made me tear up. What an amazing son you have. With all that care giving I'm thinking he picked up some of your genes while he was hanging out in the womb.
What a nice post about your son. He sounds like a fine fellow. My son was also born in the summer of 1988--and I too remember the heat. Happy birth-day to you too Rudee.
Happy birthday indeed! 21, wow!
My hot summer pregnancy was 1995. My third trimester fell during the summer. I had some surface blood clots on my leg, so I had to wear those medical support hose, the ones that are basically rubber. I'd hand-wash them at night, but even line-drying in an air-conditioned home didn't get them dry by the next morning. And I had a two-year-old who wanted to play outside every day. Gah.
Thanks for the beautiful words...happy birthday, Brian. He sounds like the sort of young man we'd all be proud to have as a son.
Your words brought back my youngest son's 21st. Even though where we live, you're 'legal' at 19, it's still a milestone to turn 21. Have a great day.
My second son was born the July of 1964. I suffered a severe gallbladder attack and spent 2 weeks in the hospital when I was 8 months along and ended up being induced since I was so sick. He was fine. Tougher than a pine nut. I had GB surgery in Mar. after his birth. My blog on the 23 is about him and our 1st grandson who shares his birthday.
Congt on your son's BD.
A son to be proud of...apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?
Wow I am so impresed at him taking care of his grandmother and now his grandpa! Wow again. He sounds like such a great young guy.
Happy Birthday to your Brian! What a blessings he is to his family. May all his birthday wishes and dreams come true!
My younger son is also celebrating a birthday today. He is 49. I can't believe I am the mother of a 49 year old! He is a blessing as well.
Aren't we lucky, Rudee?
Happy Birthday to Brian. I hope you are all out celebrating right now. And I hope he was able to read your blog and see how much you love him and appreciate him. He sounds like someone we would all like to know. Does he blog? I bet he would be a good writer.
I was also pregnant that amazing summer; my first born arrived on July 14th. It took her many many hours to decide to join us in this world.
Happy birthday to them both!
Young people are always much maligned these days but there are some exceptional ones like your son. Happy Birthday to your son, Brian is a lovely name. He takes after you...ciao
oh my. What a special grandson Brian is...amazing.
I sometimes wonder about the relationships between grandkids and grandparents. I think there's two major reasons. First, grandparents have been there, done that, and their perspective is better at their age. The other thing, and I think its the most important one, is that they can give unconditional love because ultimately they are not responsible for how the kids turn out. The parents get blamed for that.
Happy, happy birthday, young man. Here's hoping the next 21 years don't fly by as quickly as the first did. Wishing you the enjoyment of each and every one of them:>)
happy birthday to brian! hope it was a great one :)
What a wonderful person your son is. I love him and have never met him! Happy Birthday Brian
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