Like I've got nothing better to do...
1. What is up with all of these male politicians and their loose lips talking about the rape of a woman as though it's no big deal? First it was Missouri's Todd Akin's moronic comments that in a "legitimate rape," a woman's body can "shut all that down" and prevent conception. I guess this means that if a woman did get pregnant as a result of the rape, she must have enjoyed her assault in some way and therefore, it's not a "legitimate rape." Next was Roger Rivard, a state representative in Wisconsin, who regurgitated his father's advice about consensual sex turning into a rape accusation the next morning: "What the whole genesis of it was, it was advice to me, telling me, 'If you're going to go down that road, you may have consensual sex that night and then the next morning it may be rape." So the way he said it was, 'Just remember, Roger, some girls, they rape so easy. It may be rape the next morning."
The thing is, these ideas are not exclusive to our religious far right in the States. Apparently, ignorance knows no boundaries as Spanish politician,
Jose Manuel Castelao Bragana, has so clearly demonstrated with his comments this week: "Laws are like women--they are there to be violated."
As a Michigander, why do I care so much about what happens in the Missouri election? Todd Akin's political aspiration is to be a US Senator. His frightening beliefs and lack of scientific knowledge will affect me, my daughters and women throughout this nation. I don't dislike him for his pro life beliefs, but I abhor his ideas about rape. I wonder if spending the night in an emergency room and meeting rape victims could sway his misbegotten ideologies? If nothing else, maybe it would teach him compassion and perhaps a little science.
My advice to these men: It's better to remain silent and thought dumb, than to speak and remove all doubt.
2. And along these same keeping women in their place lines, was it really necessary to shoot a 14 year old girl in the head to silence her? I read today that Pakistan has arrested 38 men for shooting Malala Yousafzai. Thirty eight? Thirty eight swaggering violent bullies against one 14 year old girl? How threatening was she? I hope they rot in hell for what they've done and I hope the nation of Pakistan can collectively grow some balls and deal with the Taliban. Talk about making a deal with the devil--that's exactly what Pakistan has done by supporting these despicable thugs.
3. What is up with the exciting baseball playoffs? Usually watching baseball on television is like watching paint dry, but not these post-season playoffs. I go to bed every night thinking one team has the game and/or the division title in the bag, only to awaken the next morning to find miracles have happened. Such is the case with the game between the Cardinals and the Nationals last night. The Cards came from a 6 point deficit to beat the Nationals 9-7 and crown themselves with the NLDS title. See what I get for going to bed early?
Yes, these are two different yarns, though the colors look the same. |
4. Is my yarn talking to me, and when one door closes, does another automatically open? Case in point: remember that Squares on Roll workshop I was supposed to teach? With limited summer hours, the LYS owner didn't want to host that class in the summer and the whole thing was tabled and sort of forgotten. I still had my yarn and hadn't yet started knitting the afghan. Yesterday, I took Sara up to that store to buy her first ever yarn for a project and the store owner brought up the workshop again. The funny thing is, I had decided earlier in the day that I was going to start knitting those squares. I even got the yarn out of storage and cast on for the first square. When I looked at the yarn, I had to laugh, because I'll be damned...those colors in that Zauberball yarn are identical to the colors I chose for Pam's mittens. Different yarns, same colors. I do think the yarn is talking! The workshop is scheduled to start on November 14th. I'll lead the class every other Wednesday.
See? If I had gotten that promotion, I wouldn't be able to teach this class.
Sometimes the Universe is completely maddening, frustrating and perplexing and other times, it all comes together and works out for the best. Now, if we could only get some of these men to shut their traps and change their ways, I think it would be a much better place.