Because of the week I had, I overslept this morning. After a cup of coffee, I took off by myself for the Ann Arbor Fiber Expo, a short 50 mile drive away.
I won't tell you how much I spent, but I did manage to spend all the overtime I earned this week and probably then some. I bought quite a bit of spinning fiber from my friends Sarah and Emily, who happened to have booths there and bought a couple of skeins of alpaca yarn. I even splurged and bought a pair of alpaca socks because my feet were cold. Not that I couldn't knit them myself, but I couldn't for $15, so I bought them. I'm wearing them right this moment and my feet are toasty warm.
The show was excellent, maybe even better than the Allegan event in August, but the best thing of all was how all of the different fiber artists managed to inspire me. I came home and spun a beautiful purple alpaca blend and mixed in hot pink locks of the curly Lincoln for texture. This special yarn, only 52 yards, will be what I use for the cuffs of a pair of mittens. It's the first time I've sat at my wheel since the summer when I injured my back again, and it felt good. Really good.
My friends were geeked because, Jillian, from, came by their booths and loved their fibers. They're such amazing fiber artists and have thrown their all into making this interest their livelihoods. I'm thrilled for them that they're getting the attention they deserve.
I will be by next week to pick up Leo - heehee - he is THE CUTEST pup in the whole world and I WANT HIM. :) I am sure there are some days you would gladly give him to me too. I don't want him on those days. ha!
Sounds like an excellent time and that pink is to die for - how gorgeous.
PS - I didn't post about the movie because I didn't know if you had seen it yet. I think you all will enjoy it tho'. Shoot me an email after you see it and let me know what you think, 'kay?
What a gorgeous colour, it will be a delight to knit
A fun day at last!!!
I am over due for a fun day but am at a loss of which way to head.
If you want to try your hand at fiber dying, I will be glad to send you a box of green walnuts to use for dye...just let me know.
OMG, Leo is still the cutest! Love that pose. The pink yarn is fabulous, can't wait to see it on the mittens. And I bought a pair of alpaca socks at Rhinebeck for the same reason and loved them so much, I bought a second pair on the way out of the gate!! Too funny. And spending the overtime money? That's what it's for, right?
When you retire, you can come work at the Village, at Daggett Farm, where they demonstrate spinning and knitting every day!
That yarn is gorgeous, rudee. As far as Enhancing the Stash----substance using folks might like it, too.
It'll be interesting to see what kind of spam you get :-)
that's how i am in a bead store! and leo is adorable!
smiles, bee
Love the sock! I need to get to a fiber festival one of these days.
A very good reason to buy those alpaca socks. Your spun yarn is beautiful...some day my wheel may actually turn. Maybe Leo can come and help pump the treadle?
What a nice way to spend the day. I love the color of your yarn.
And what else can I say about Leo? He is so adorable.
The first photo, I thought you had bought an alpaca. I wish we had cold weather to need those socks.
Have a great week.
Im glad you had fun! Love the sox. Love Leo! I wish I could pat him. We have alpacas here, and we use them to watch over our sheep. Alpacas are quite territorial. If you put 2 in with a flock of sheep, they take turns watching for enemies (wild dogs, foxes). And they will chase off predators. Beautiful, and practical. Now that's my kind of animal!
I went to the show today, and had a great time. Love the alpacas and the angora rabbits. Thanks for letting me know about the show.
Leo is so cute!
Sounds like a fun place to be - and to drive 50 miles shows commitment in my eyes. I am going to be in Dublin this coming Saturday for our son's graduation ceremony (he's just done his MA in Graphic Design - hope he finds work soon!) and the knitting and stitching show is on as well - what chance to get to it?? Slim but I would love to. Hope I'll be able to. Wish I could spin - but I'm happy to be able to knit.
All the best. Catherine.
You have the cutest dog after my Zeus,
Those socks look wonderfull - I could have used a pair on the weekend our knitting group did the Cancer council Relay for life - and in the night it was a little cool in the tent - my feet were cold.During the day it was warm enough for shorts.
The pink yarn is to die for - i love it but probably is not a pink I don't like.
Sounds like a great day out and who could resist Leo the cutie. I guess anyone could forgive him anything!
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