Yes, my angst was wasted on that stupid interview. We all know that angst is a terrible thing to waste.
It's OK.
I'll figure it out.
In the meantime, I've been to see the doctor (can you believe that through all this, my blood pressure is still only 110/70?) and on Monday, I'm going to have my head examined. My brother, a therapist, made me promise to find someone smarter than me. I'm glad to know he thinks so highly of me, but I kind of feel that shouldn't be too hard these days. I can't be all that bright to keep putting up with bullshit.
The rejection? Turns out it doesn't feel so bad. In fact, it pissed me off and that's an emotion I've missed these past couple of weeks.
To make myself feel better, I went out and bought more yarn. Prism. Scrumptious.
What the heck was the point of THAT? Jeesh, stupid woman.
Yarn is good. And donuts. Mmmmm donuts. You definitely need donuts to go with your yarn. heehee.
Glad you are getting help. Good luck and take care sweetie, we are all rooting for you.
Sorry to hear about the job news. I never understood why people pull after-the-angst stunts like that. There are a lot of idiots out there.
Keeping with the theme of the replies today: Yarn Is Good. Good for you.
Buying scrumptious yarn is the best revenge! It will all work out in your favor, Rudee!
I'm a firm believer in everything unfolds the way it is suppose to... but one can sure still have emotion about it! I'm just wondering what great future awaits you...since this angle didn't work.
Yarn is good, just like colored pencils are good, therapeutic and though not totally necessary, sometimes lifesavers.
Well, it seems that turned out perfectly. We saw a little fire in your eyes and you got new yarn. I would say that is perfect.
The right solution will come and you will have no doubts when it is presented.
Wow I just read your 'can't see the forest for the trees' post. You have a great friend there. Buying some yarn and seeing a counselor and/or MD will get you sharp again. Good luck
Rudee, you are right the woman should have told you witout wasting your time. They do not no what they are missing! Get this, I have applied for a job in my work three weeks ago, which is internal post, and they said a word about it.I wor with them very day! I would not be surprised if i got introduced the person who got the job. I don't mind that, it's just not being told, letting you know what is happening. It is poor. I am expecting my rejection letter anyday. That they could have told me themselves. Waste of paper and time. Don't fret Rudee, it is their bad! Get that yarn out!
Damn. I hate being told no. But it always seems that something better is in the offing when it happens. Still. Good move on the yarn! Perhaps a little chocolate, too? How can I help?
Do you have an iPhone...I can recommend a couple apps.
What a way to treat people, but lovely yarn is a great way to feel better.
I'm sorry it didn't go as you'd hoped, but at the risk of sounding trite, better things are ahead. What's Plan B?
You can get some stupid people what a waste of your and her time! Now think of the next plan and work with that therapist.
Take care and be kind to yourself - buying luscios yarn is a good thing to do.
I think the rejection is a good thing...with an attitude like that, the work environment couldn't have been that great. I would be very skeptical of someone so opinionated and think it's a good thing you won't be working for her. Good luck!
Well, that was a silly waste of your - and her - time, wasn't it? Yarn - a good idea: soft, pretty and always pointing to the future.
Don't forget the chocolate... and maybe a decent quaff - Guiness is good with chocolate.
That one door closed but I know there's a window opening somewhere for you...
I bet there is a better opportunity waiting for you and this one wasn't meant to be.
Maybe you were spared something far worse. I am sorry that it did not work out,but I believe something better will come your way.
Keep creating beautiful things.
crazy, re: being rejected from the job. just...nuts. i wish you could see my therapist. he is a flower in the garden of awesome.
WTF?! Wait a minute! You were suppose to have the opportunity to turn the offer down. What's up with this world, anyway?
I suspect the way the interview was conducted is because of legal requirements. You know. To reduce law suits. But what surprises me is that you got some truth out of it at the end. I would consider that an accomplishment and a compliment to your presentation of self.
And how great that you don't have to add the stress of making a final decision to the mix. What a relief. (I hate making those big decisions.) Unless you like stewing over things....then forget what I just said.
Its pretty interesting to observe how the universe works to get us to where we're suppose to be. (And just when I think I know what's going to happen... SNAP... things go the opposite way. Makes me laugh at times.)
What about in hospital hospice?? Do you have Vitas there??
I'd really like to win the lottery and I'd share the wealth. Gotta actually buy a ticket though :>(
I guess the only good thing is that they didn't keep you waiting too long to tell you you didn't get the job. Seeing a doctor is good, buying yarn, well that beats all...ciao
i'm with you on being pissed off, rudee. that answer was condescending and patronizing and dammit yes why DIDN'T they just tell you that straight out and avoid all the angst?
i am angry on your behalf.
Outrageous that they didn't tell you that up front!
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