Who says curling is boring? Lots of strategy, suspense and adjectives to describe this sport make it interesting. It's slow enough that I can follow, not miss too much and more importantly, keep my place in a complicated graphed pattern. What's not to like about this event?
I fully recognize that I won't finish everything I wanted to do in my competitions, but it's OK to take a Did Not Finish score at the end of these events. Several of the real Olympians have already done this, so why not me? The point of the competition for each knitter is to challenge herself (or himself) and I think I'm doing that. Well, I am with the exception of my shawl. That's just annoying me so it's still in a time out. Completing the mittens and the socks will give me 3 more medals, and really, that's enough for me. After all, I don't want to be too greedy, or end up with carpal tunnel syndrome.
There is exciting news for Detroit. Stephanie Pearl McPhee, aka The Yarn Harlot, is coming to town on March 13th and I've got plans to go to the Detroit Public Library main branch in the downtown area to listen to her speak about all things yarn and life in general. I can't wait. This woman is knitting's rock star and I'm thrilled the city is going to host her. Although she's been close enough to go hear her speak in the past, it's never been on a convenient date for me. This time though, it's a Saturday. I'm hoping to get there early enough to get a great seat and I'll be taking the book she wrote and I read when I was just learning to knit: Knitting Rules. It's my favorite. Even if you don't knit, it's worth the read. In fact, all of her books are worth reading. They're informative, humorous, touching and chock full of wisdom.
If you think The Harlot couldn't possibly be as popular as I think she is, just take a look at her blog and the comment section. She gets hundreds and sometimes thousands of comments a day. It's amazing. As further testament to her likability, look at her MSF/DWB donation page. This woman and her following have raised over 1 million dollars for Doctor Without Borders.

The forest emerges in the pattern as the mitten watches curling. Take no notice of the massive mess of power cords in the right hand corner of the photo. The knitter in this home is too busy to straighten up all that crap.
It was The Harlot who started the Knitting Olympics to coincide with the Winter Olympics. With the birth of Ravelry, knitting competitions on Ravelry occur with every Olympic event now, but Stephanie is still hosting the winter version on her blog.

Today, it's clearly something special. I love mitts with a knitted in thumb gore (that's the spot that's growing between the beaded markers.) The gore provides the shaping for the meaty part of the thumb. Very feminine.
Even though I'm not participating on her site (because I really overextended myself on the Ravelry site), in the spirit of both events, I offer a few photos that she'd probably snap and publish if she were sitting here knitting and competing.
Now, let the games continue. As I write this, the US women curling team is giving Russia a bit of a smackdown.
Today, it's clearly something special. I love mitts with a knitted in thumb gore (that's the spot that's growing between the beaded markers.) The gore provides the shaping for the meaty part of the thumb. Very feminine.
Now, let the games continue. As I write this, the US women curling team is giving Russia a bit of a smackdown.
The colour changes are really intriguing, these are going to be a real joy when they're done
I love curling!
I can see the forest. That's very pretty.
I was moaning last night because all I had to watch with my knitting was the curling. I think it's better when you play.
Intriguing designs for mittens. I like it a lot. Funny how watching something like curling that initially seems boring can suck you in--for a while.
Stephanie, I've never tried to play curling. I'm close enough to Windsor to have crossed the border and at least tried. Who is sorry now? I think I've missed out on a wonderful time.
USA network here in the states has broadcast all the curling events for several hours each day. I've watched them all. lol.
That is great that you will finally get to see Stephanie. I know she will lift your spirits. She has a way with words, and I love her books also.
I love your post today.. A Smack down in curling? :) I LOVE it.. Have a good weekend.
Curling is so odd that it's rather compelling.
I rate curling up there with paint drying and watching a golf tournament with Kelly Tilgman announcing(ask your son).It becomes a great setup for a nap. What a day for a real Ice Sport; Hockey.
NOW: The Hockey network has the 1996 USA VS Canada game..(Stevie Y) is in the game.Great action
3:00 Czech Republic vs. USSR.
7:00 USA vs Canada
10:00 The Sweden Redwings vs Finland.
FYI: Many of the local ice rinks have the curling rink painted in their ice...
i have been avidly watching curling. most of the US team hail from duluth, you know; my hometown.
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