there was a lady I know who used to dress to the nines no matter what she was doing. If she was running out to the grocery store, it wasn't unheard of for her to be dressed in designer clothes. Her favorite designer was Dana Buchman. And friends, Dana isn't cheap. This lady, still has some Dana pieces hanging in her closet. Unfortunately, they're about 2 sizes too small.

To go with an outfit like the one above, the lady could often be seen sporting something flashy like this pair of Betsey Johnson shoes. Look how they glitter just so. Stunning. It's too bad only her daughter can wear shoes like these now.
The golden rule the lady abided by was to never leave the house without her face "done." She'd never dare to be seen without everything on her face "just so." Just so perfect. To go out without lipstick was akin to being naked in her mind. Back in the day, it wasn't the smokey eye so much as gaudy blue eyeshadow that was in style. If the lady still got gussied up like she used to, it's the smokey look she'd shoot for.

I don't know quite what happened to this lady. She has enough money to still play the game. I think she just lost heart. It could be, that shopping bags from yarn stores seem to come unabated to her door and the cost of yarn competes with her wardrobe budget. It's only yarn that catches the lady's eye now. Beautiful, soft yarn. Wooly goodness from all around the world. She can't quite put her finger on why she feels the way she does, but she is quite certain, she who has the most yarn wins. She isn't certain what she wins, but she sure likes playing this game.
The lady thinks that there may be a problem with not so subliminal advertising. In fact, she's dead certain that yarn manufacturers are using temptation to lure her and she has the proof. See. Now, that is some fancy marketing. It doesn't even have to be special (though it is), just name it Seduce and yarn hoarders will buy it.