Friday, May 20, 2011

My Last Fibery Friday...Ever?

If I had known this would be my last Fibery Friday, I'd have been better about posting more routinely.

Due to the heavy workload this week, I've been unable to prepare properly for the end of the world tomorrow. I was so certain I'd be well on my way to finishing my Icelandic sweater so I could show it off at the pearly gates, but I'm exhausted and keep falling asleep knitting mid-row. I'm stuck in that sea of stockinette stitch, which, coincidentally, is beginning to feel like purgatory. The color work flies by, but that white? It'll look stunning when done, but it's boring as hell to knit (which is what I told the LYS owner I was looking for--mindless knitting). I'm also behind on spinning and feel bad that won't be ready, either. Every time I think I've spun all the fiber in that color, I find more.

If the world doesn't come to an end Saturday, I've been reading the new CDC guidelines on preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse, which we all know is coming. Finally, someone is taking this issue seriously, and I'm thankful to know the CDC and our government are prepared and will have my back.

Tell me I'm not alone in being ill prepared for the end of the world or the Zombie Apocalypse. You're running behind, too, right?


Finding Pam said...

Like you, I haven't given it much thought, mainly because the end has been coming for decades.
Personally,I don't want to know when it's the end.

Beautiful sweater. How is Leo?

Knitty said...

I'm rather cranky that I spent 90 minutes and a whole lot of money at the grocery store yesterday. If I had thought about the world ending, I would have just gone to the bakery and liquor store with a stop for ice cream on the way home.

I use to score well on "uses time wisely" when I was a student. I think motherhood changed all that.

I have taken 241 stitches out twice on a mystery knit-along. The question of the day is should I try this again or wait to see if I am here on Sunday? ;-)

SkippyMom said...

Just read my icon and you know my thoughts on the subject Rudee.

You are all going down in my path. giggle

I swear it is not fair to post things like " I've been unable to prepare properly for the end of the world tomorrow"

I had no idea where your post was going and tea came out my nose when I read that.

You are welcome for THAT mental picture - and um, you owe me a new keyboard.

Brat. heehee

Rudee said...

Knitty, wait for Sunday.

Brenda said...

I love how your sweater is turning out. Very nice colors. I just have one wish. I hope we get to finish all of our unfinished projects...knitting, quilting, art work, reading, writing, etc. in the afterlife. If there is a spot like that...I will try and find you Rudee.

The Bug said...

This is why it's good to be so lazy - I have no unfinished projects so I don't need to worry about them (they're unfinished because I never started them). Although I would like to get my Project 365 post up before the rapture...

NCmountainwoman said...

Yeah, I'm running behind but I guess it doesn't matter much. My daughter says it's all a big hoax...that not even God would dare to cheat Oprah out of her last week.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i know, i know, so many beads, so little time left...

smiles, bee

Gail said...

I didn't even know today was the day!

unmitigated me said...

As the saying goes, I just have to run faster than you.

Kathleen said...

It'll all be the same for me. I have to clean my basement this weekend, and it's hell.

Jane said...

Earthquake? Prepared. End of the world? Not so much. If you get raptured Rudee, can I have first dibs on the unfinished Norwegian sweater? ;-)

Unknown said...

I'm so unprepared, I didn't know about any of it until this morning.

Continuing on in blissful ignorance.

Your sweater and spinning look great.

Unknown said...

Well I wasn't ready but it doesn't matter now. We have partied all afternoon, had a hail storm, it passed and the Rapture deadline past and we just partied some more. The water was fine. 16 birthday party for grandson.

Stephanie V said...

I seem to have been left behind. I'm thinking it's the knitting needles. A security risk right?

Your sweater is going to be fabulous.

Catherine said...

Well the world didn't end and I did enjoy the #Rapture tweets and hope that the Irish radio presenter will get to call the guy he spoke to the other day about it - he asked if he could call him next week to see what happened and the guy was adamant he wouldn't be around to take his call! So that aside I loved the CDC link - tongue in cheek but true too - be prepared for all disasters! Well I love your wool spinning and that border of a jumper on one of your posts is beautiful. I'm knitting from a ripped jumper - upcycling - and it's head wrecking as it's got a filet type border. Just not my cuppa tea.
I've been away from blogging commenting for a while - never seem to have time - so I'm making an effort now to get good again - I posted a blog about the Eric Clapton Concert we went to recently and I replied to comments on my last post. But I should be more diligent.
Since I got my iPhone I've hardly used my laptop. Is that normal?!
All the best, Catherine

Catherine said...

Well the world didn't end and I did enjoy the #Rapture tweets and hope that the Irish radio presenter will get to call the guy he spoke to the other day about it - he asked if he could call him next week to see what happened and the guy was adamant he wouldn't be around to take his call! So that aside I loved the CDC link - tongue in cheek but true too - be prepared for all disasters! Well I love your wool spinning and that border of a jumper on one of your posts is beautiful. I'm knitting from a ripped jumper - upcycling - and it's head wrecking as it's got a filet type border. Just not my cuppa tea.
I've been away from blogging commenting for a while - never seem to have time - so I'm making an effort now to get good again - I posted a blog about the Eric Clapton Concert we went to recently and I replied to comments on my last post. But I should be more diligent.
Since I got my iPhone I've hardly used my laptop. Is that normal?!
All the best, Catherine

Ruth said...

The world did not end and neither has my pile of work - it just has not gone away :-( sadly I still have to do it all.

Jeannette StG said...

I'm writing this on Monday night -now you know Rudee that the world did not end last week means that you have a second (your last!!) chance to make amends and post more, before another End of the World scare appears on the horizon!