Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's the Little Things

My family has much to be thankful for today. We're all employed in a time when so many are not. We each have a roof over our heads, food in our stomachs and security. In these times, not one of us takes these blessings for granted.

This Thanksgiving though, I was feeling something missing. I couldn't put my finger on it until a surprise visitor arrived. Mr. Mocha Latte showed up at my door around 10 AM, meowing, cold and hungry, and suddenly, I recognized that it was my DukeDog I was missing. It's my first big holiday cooking without him mooching and stealing food. Now I know Mr. Latte is a cat, but he's a friendly guy and on occasion, provides a little companionship for me. Usually, he stops by when it's raining and he can't get in his own house, or when he's tired of the slobbery, overly playful pitbull he lives with. As he had a lie down in front of the vent in my kitchen to warm himself, I cut up a bit of turkey for him.

He ate it all, purred like a crazy cat, then went upstairs to have a nap in my bed. By mid afternoon, he was done with me and went home. The kitty filled an otherwise empty space for me today, and I was thankful for his visit. I think he was thankful, too.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and find more than a few little things to warm your heart today.


Quiltluver said...

Sometimes cats know just what you need...and other times they could care less. Glad you had Mr. Mocha Latte to be with you today. Hope your Thanksgiving is a good one. Karen

Gail said...

What a wonderful surprise! It is nice to have drop ins.

Rose said...

How nice; what a lovely happenstance. Hope everyone else behaved himself also.

Kathleen said...

Hmmmm...can't help but wonder if DukeDog had a little something to do with Mr. Mocha Latte showing up when he did. Lovely post, Rudee. I can't get over his little nap. He sure knows how to make himself at home!

Stephanie V said...

That's a very touching Thanksgiving story. Funny how you haven't see Mr Mocha Latte for a while and there he is just when you need a little animal therapy.

Anonymous said...

A lovely story. A great day.

Darci said...

Was your Thanksgiving Eve quiet at work?

Rudee said...

Rose, you cracked me up. Amazingly, MLTL did behave himself. He brought no ham and a platter of fresh fruit.

Jadekitty, I must have had a lot of good juju going last night because I only had to work until 3 AM, and during 11PM and 3 AM, I got not one call.

Jane said...

He looks well and truly satisfied. Glad you all had a good day

laurie said...

ah, i can well imagine how much you miss him. mr. mocha latte is a nice diversion. but pretty soon you're going to need to get another you - know- what.

Brenda said...

Yes....I know what you mean. Bobby mentioned our Clifford when he was eating a turkey leg and thinking how much Clifford would have enjoyed our sharing our meal with him. Glad Mocha Latte helped fill the void for you Rudee.

Lisa L said...

this post made my eyeballs prickle abit. although that's been happenning alot lately. i haven't had my 2 eldest in my presence for exactly 1 year..and this xmas? none of my 3 kids at home for the first time evah. i thought i'd be just fine with it, but i see that it ain't gonna be the case. ah well..chins up, stiff upper lip and all that..glad you had a nice thxgiving!

sandy said...

Kind of bittersweet not having your Duke dog.

Cute photo of the cat.

Miss T said...

Begging dogs really are part of Thanksgiving.

Canine Crusader said...

Laurie, at Three Dog Blog, linked you because she loves her new hat. What a great post! Animals just know what we need and Mr. Mocha Latte knows where to find a warm spot, food, and an open heart. The neighborhood dog used to stop at our house many years ago. This was a reminder of the good ole days. Thanks for sharing.