Albino Peacock, Photo: Wiki CommonsWhen I find myself consumed by a project, it's sometimes hard to see I'm advancing toward the goal--especially when the project is a lace shawl. This time, though the finish line seems far off, I seem to sense real progress. Already, it weighs more than Ruby did after completion and I'm only about 30% done. Ruby, all done, was slightly less than 200 grams--less than half a pound. This shawl will weigh 775 grams, or just shy of two pounds when finished.
Albino Peacock, Photo: RudeeK
After falling into the rhythm of this pattern, I find it easier to do more than one thing at a time. In the beginning, I had to seclude myself while knitting. At least now, I can see when my stitch count is off, usually from a forgotten yarn over, and correct it without losing my mind. I'm not gloating, and I'm not omitting lifelines. I'm just saying that now that the pattern is well established, I can see where I'm going from where I've been.
At present, I'm half way through the rows (completed row 110 of 219), into the second cone of yarn, and well on my way to a stunning shawl for me. It just needs a name. How can I spend this much time with one piece of knitting and not call it something besides the peacock shawl, even though that's what the pattern is named? It's not any shade of blue or green. Yet.
Peacocks' Feathers, Location, Vancouver, British Columbia
Photo: Kyle Flood, Courtesy of Wiki Commons
"Blue Hole: Aerial view of the 400-ft-deep oceanic blue hole (Lighthouse Reef Atoll Blue Hole) located east of Belize."
Photo: U.S. Geological Survey, Courtesy of Wiki Commons
While researching names for shades of blue, I came upon a couple of photos. Is it just me, or does it seem as though nature is imitating nature in these pictures? Certainly, I can't duplicate nature, but it seems this pattern is coming fairly close.
The Big Albino Shawl Hole, Location, somewhere in suburban Detroit
Photo: RudeeKI cannot for the life of me come up with a name for this shawl. Can you?
The shawl is stunning, Rudee!!!
Can't wait to see it with the colour, it looks fantastic now
No, but don't choose "Blue Hole" like the picture above it. Your shawl is amazing. I can see why you're addicted to lace work although I don't think I have the mind for it myself. Too ADD for me I think. (although maybe it would help me? Hmmm)
Wow, Rudee, that is beautiful! Can't think of a name right now. Karen
What color or colors are you going to dye them? If you don't have time to answer me I will go back a few posts and see if I can find the post where you said you were going to have someone dye this for you. Peacocks strut don't they....maybe a name that characterizes a peacock and the colors it turns out to be? I will check back later when the baby is napping and find your original post about this one......
I guess I too missed the post about the dyeing? Are you doing it yourself? It is going to be a beautiful shawl. Where do you buy yarn in cones? A website or a local shop...ciao
The shawl is gorgeous. Isn't it wonderful when you finally "get" the pattern and are not so tense every time you pick up the work? It's going to be lovely.
You could call it Wow. That's the word that keeps coming to mind. :o)
Thanks everyone. It is coming along fairly well.
Brenda--you may be onto something there! Named after someone who struts...hmmm. Mae West comes to mind but when I think of her, I think of red.
Rositta, my friend Sarah, a fiber color artist is going to dye this when I'm done.
I went back to your original post and see that your friend is going to dye it teal. This is going to be so beautiful dyed that really deserves a very special name. It also looks like it is very close to being maybe you should have a sidebar poll about some special names. But then again, you are very creative and I know you will come up with one like you did for Ruby.
This is stunning!
Rudee, you have such a wonderful talent! Beautiful shawl, best of luck, you can do it!
I love it!
wow... that albino peacock is amazing. Those long feathers made me think of those long fake nails some women wear. They may look beautiful, but you can't do anything with them. Like long peacock feathers.
I don't have a clue as to what to name your shawl, but I'm certain you will come up with something yummy.
You amaze me! That is so pretty. And I love the peacock blue atoll in the photo. It looks so inviting.
That's a really beautiful pattern.
When I look at the blue and teal peacock feathers I see Blue Eyes. I think that would make a good name. Or maybe you could call it Frankie, as in Old Blue Eyes.
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