I've cast on the creamsicle yarn and knit almost an entire front of a tank top and then I stopped because I'm not thrilled with what I have. I think the yarn is better suited to be a little bolero, so there it sits on the needles in a time out while it takes me forever to decide its fate. Do I continue knitting what I think I won't like, or start all over again? I know the answer, I'm just missing the drive to fix the problem.
My pink socks from a year ago sit next to me on the sofa scoffing at me. You remember, don't you? They're the ones I took to the Breast Cancer Three day (A YEAR AGO) to fiddle with while I crewed at the event. To write about those socks in the plural is a bit misleading. I'm still on the first sock. Part of the problem is that it's on 2 circular needles and while I don't mind knitting socks that way, it's not my preferred method. I'm a double point needle sock knitter. Why do I keep trying to reinvent the way I knit? It's too late to switch now and that's why it sits there. Also, I don't love the yarn. It's Dream In Color Smooshy. What's not to love about superwash merino?
In addition to the socks and the tank, I have the bulky sweater mostly done. It's lacking only trim at this point--a day or two knitting at the most. I never finished my daughter's green sweater. It's missing only two sleeves. I became frustrated with it because I knit one sleeve thinking it would be fine, but it's not. Following the shaping decreases made it too small, so now I have to rip out one sleeve and start over. I'm not thrilled about that, but again, that's only a day's worth of knitting. There is another shawl I was fiddling around with before I started on Ruby. It's more than half way done, but I have no desire to finish the thing. And it's pretty. I've brought out all of these mostly completed projects in an attempt to find my inspiration, but it only depresses me.
Perhaps I should get out the thermometer and take my temp. I must be sick if I can't knit.
Oh, Rudee, I get it. Take a break and just spin some gorgeous yarn. This has happened to me, too. I know it's the source of the UFO's that I have in drawers. Sometimes, it's easier to stuff a project away than it is to fix it.
Re the socks and circs: I won't go down that road. Like you, I'm a dp needle gal. I'm also a cuff down - not a toe-up. Some adventures I can do without.
Breathe deeply, your mojo will return. Guaranteed.
Sigh! I'm having the same problem as you. I had 3 months of morning sickness, now I just can't motivate again. I have a sweater and 2nd sleeve syndrome. We'll get through this together.
What do you mean the shawl is lost? No wonder you're in a slump. You probably just need a nap. And you know you're going to have to help me along with the Farmer's Market Cardigan. Even though I haven't wound my yarn yet, I read over the directions this morning and I'm starting to feel some excitement at getting started. Excitement and nervousness. And I love dp needle socks too.
Rudee, I think that is the reason behind having a lot of UFOS! Don't be upset about it, it is the perfect chance to try something radically different... sometimes your mojo needs nothing but a little airing to come back, you'll see.
Oh, and I've tagged you in my blog! go check out! hehehe! I'm curious as to how you will respond!
This happened to me last February... lasted through May. I needed a goal and something new and interesting.
I bet once the kids are in school and the weather turns cold, you'll start thinking of Christmas gifts and your passion will return, but if it doesn't and you have a yard sale, be sure to invite me!! lol
It's me. I am sorry - I stole your mojo and it's all because of my coveting of the creamsicle yarn. heehee! [totally kidding]
Don't worry - it will come back, you'll see, especially after you get a shiny blue ribbon at the fair. :D
I think it is the uncertainty that has your mojo. Uncertainty is an evil little pest that can drive you to paralysis. Keep on knitting something, you will see when you find out the results, you can swat that pest big time!!!!!!
Hi Rudi, you're a bit like me and books, right now am reading two great books and have to face into Anna Karenina for book club next month, some bright spark in our group decided we needed some improving Russian literature for summer holiday homework and recommended this classic! Might enjoy it a lot but it seems like hard work right now! As for unfinished knitting - I knit mostly in winter, (this summer would pass for that so, as it has been dreadful) and I made 3 boleros from the same pattern, kinda lacy openwork 4-row repeat, very therapeutic, needed some concentration but not so much I couldn't read or watch CSI while knitting. I used to make Aran jumpers when I lived in Africa (no telly!) in the 80s. Made lots of kids jumpers when they were too small to protest at being rurned out in Denis the Menace or Desperate Dan (you have to know the English comics Beano and Dandy for them) or whatever else I tried.
So I hope you find your knitting mojo - you will when winter kicks in and the long evenings beckon with the lure of the end product!
You need a break! All that run to the finish line and now what...I know the feeling, not with knitting but life in general.
It happens to almost everyone, at times. Our get up and go, or mojo, just bottoms out. It'll be back. Maybe if you sit down to watch TV, you'll get the urge to knit again. TV and knitting were made for each other. Well, I'd rather eat popcorn while I'm watching TV, but I know you'd rather knit. :-)
I don't know a single knitter who hasn't lost their mojo and some point in time. The good news is that it does come back. Spinning is good anyway, you can make lots of yummy yarn. I am not even tempted to try socks on circs or toe up either for that matter, I'll just stick to my tried and true method...ciao
You just need a break Rudee. I'm sure it'll be fine. It just feels like you'll never get that desire back again. It comes back though: a touch of cold in the air; an unusual skein of yarn; something always triggers it off again.
Good lord, woman. You've been incredibly productive. If life balances itself out, of course you need a break. Plus, I don't know about you, but I bead the most when I'm under crazy stress and pressure. And that's when my most creative side comes out. Maybe you're getting a little break from all the stressors? Hey, use the mojoless time to to see what other lovely diversions capture your attention. You just never know, but I always believe there's a reason.
So, I'll step off my soapbox now and you can you rail on me all you wish about finishing my novel!
Rest . . .
Your poor little arms and fingers and wrists and tendons and muscles...etc...etc...just need a small break. Enjoy the rest!
OH NO. Hopefully you get it back soon!
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