Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Six Degrees

Every time I think I can't possibly keep up with everything I want or must do, like knitting, reading, spinning, blogging, working, shopping and housekeeping, I get to thinking what can go so I can free up time. Apparently, none of it. I've come to need it all. Unfortunately, being born with a surname other than Rockefeller, I need to work, at least until my ship comes in or I drop dead, whichever comes first. One of the things I thought I could do without is blogging, but then how would I express myself? What would I do if I couldn't gasbag about my work or my knitting or visit your site to comment about yours? That got me to thinking about how I got to know everyone who visits here.

Some meetings I recall quite specifically. Rositta was one of the first bloggers I started exchanging comments with. If neither of us knit, I don't know if we would have had much in common in the beginning because we seem like very different women. I recall reading a comment she left on Pink Lemon Twist's site and before we knew it, we were fast friends in the cyber world. We even went to war together. OK. It was a sock war, but it was still serious combat. I developed hand cramps trying to keep up with that. In a congenial way, we've tried to convince one another of our differing political views, all to no avail, but this is civil discourse that's helped in no small part by the fact she is Canadian. It charming that she's so darned polite about her viewpoints. She is a talented knitter and a very deep thinker. Every once in awhile, I see her comments on some of the other blogs I follow and I always stop to read what she has to say. I bump into her, figuratively, quite often.

Initially, Laurie dropped by via WT's (one of the first people to ever comment here) on the day I wrote a post about my dad. It was his birthday. It was her father's birthday, too. She had dogs, and a whole blog dedicated to them. I had a dog and could relate to her dog posts. I even overcame my fear of commenting on a real life journalist's blog. I know my punctuation is horrific, but to her credit, she has never corrected me and has one of the most entertaining blogs out there. One day, she wrote about how her mind thrummed while researching the book she was writing at the time, and suddenly, inspired by the word thrummed, I had to knit thrummed mittens. I gave them to her. Out of appreciation, she sent me a 3 Dog Blog calendar, which incidentally, I took great pleasure in adding my October vacation days into on Friday. In ink. Then this week, she comes around mentioning things I've been thinking about, like selling my hand knit goods and wouldn't you know it? Now my mind is thrumming. She was the second person this week to mention this. The first was Skippy and while I don't recall how I met Skippy, I have to think it was kismet. At her request, I am going to knit her some custom made socks for her hard to fit feet. In return, she is going to make me some goat's milk soap which I'm going to felt. Do you know how much a bar of felted soap fetches? It's ridiculous.

Through blogging and social sites like Ravelry, I know of people who may live in far off places, but in an intimate way, we're all connected. Our common, and sometimes not so common interests bring us together, and I kind of like that. I know 2 women named Jane from Great Britain. That's 2 women named Jane I didn't know 2 years ago. One is an expat who lives here and one still lives across the pond. We have knitting and blogging in common. I know another Ruth who does what I used to do, but she does it in Australia. She is a new grandmother this year. How awesome is this connectedness?

I bring this all up today because I looked and was completely surprised to see there are 49 people following this blog. These are 49 people I didn't know a thing about two years ago--and if I didn't mention you specifically, it's only because I'm trying to KISS (keep it short and sweet). I did a Wikipedia search extensive research to find information on our small world and find myself charmed by the idea that we really are only six people removed from one another. Our world gets smaller all of the time with the connections we are privileged to have these days. I'm appreciative of everyone who has taken the time to read my blog, comment and follow.

So clearly, you see my dilemma, right? Blogging can't go. It's a part of this special community I've only just discovered. In 2007, I never knew it existed and now find I can't do without. I have to knit (though there isn't much of that going on these days), I have to spin (there is a lot of that happening), I need to read (even if the only thing I'm reading are pattern books for things I think I would want to knit if I didn't have Knitter's Block) and I have to work to afford it all. That leaves shopping for food and cleaning then. I guess it's the housekeeping that has to go.

Are dust bunnies recyclable?


Jane said...

Like you, I've only come to blogging recently, just over a year, and it's amazing the amount of people I have "met" and come to know. Some I now know really well and hope to be able to meet in the flesh one day. The boys won't let me stop feeding them, but they are quite happy to live without housework, can't think why

Kathleen said...

Perhaps dusty bunnies can be spun into dust angora?
I have up house cleaning and cooking long ago. I figure I've made piece with bacteria (they were here before men and they're going to outlive me so why fight em) and I'm perfectly satisfied with yogurt for dinner. Try it, you might like it!

Ruth said...

House work is a good thing not to do.

debra said...

I really do think that blogging is like the cyber backyard fence. It's a way to connect, to stay in touch, to share. It the new coffee klatch that my mother used to talk about. With coffee served in a NEW.BLUE.MUG.

Gail said...

The offer still stands if you would like to spin some dog hair.

Renie Burghardt said...

Heaven forbid you giving up blogging, Rudee! We'd miss you sorely! Keep on knitting and spinning and ranting, and inspiring us.



Rose said...

Well I see you have realized the proper bottom of the list priority: a clean house. Keep blogging for sure! I need a KAL friend to help me tackle my sweater!

Anonymous said...

Rudee you just expressed what most of us feel about blogging. There is a new book out I heard discussed on NPR about the blogging world. I, of course can't remember the name, I just flipped the screen and it is gone from my short term memory. I am going to order it and tell you all about it. A lot of psychologist think it is a good thing, in moderation of course, but like anything you like, who can live in moderation?

Brenda said...

I struggle with your thoughts and feelings about blogging also. I know I won't completely give it up because I love it so much and it means too much to me. But I have found I spent more time reading and commenting on other blogs, than I spend on my own. Probably just a phase. I have also found that the longer I blog the more people I get connected with.. and then spend even more time..! So I hear ya...but if you are like me, you enjoy it too much to really give it up. I think it is very healthy...mentally not physically...my neck still hurts!

Anonymous said...

On the one hand, I don't want to pressure you, and it's your life, and all that. On the other hand, when you show up in my reader, I can't click the link fast enough and start reading.

I'm just sayin'.

That photo, FYI, is sheer p0rn.

Stephanie V said...

Funny how this blogging thing works. The synchronicity is amazing. I woke up this morning, thinking similar thoughts. And that happens all the time. There must be some cosmic connection that says 'read this one'. The list does get longer but it's so worth it. I love to see your comments, Rudee. I hope we're blog friends for a long time.

Darci said...

I am so glad it's the housekeeping that is getting the chop, not blogging.

The Crusty Crone said...

As you can see by all the other comments, housekeeping is the first to be put on the back burner.

No need to be concerned, because unlike anyone or anything else, housekeeping needs will never leave you. You can ignore it for years and years... and when you are ready for it, housekeeping needs will be right there in your face.

There are only a few times when ignoring HN (housekeeping needs) will result in revenge. For example, if you dripped some paint on the floor and didn't clean it up right away, then HN will seek revenge by making it much harder to clean up later. Other than that HN can sit on hold for a very long time. The number of visitors to your home might decrease, but is that really so bad?

Good luck with your time scheduling.

Rositta said...

No, dust bunnies can't be recycled but they sure can be composted. I am happy to hear that there is vacation time booked and I hope it's a nice long stretch. Thank you for the nice things you said about me, I'm blushing. I've now met two bloggers personally and I'm meeting a new one in Athens this fall. From time to time I think of giving it up. I take breaks but can't seem to stop altogether. I love blogging and getting to know new people..ciao
ps. we'll have that political discussion someday in person, should be fun...

laurie said...

thrummmmmmm thrummmmmm thrummmmmm damn straight blogging can't go!

laurie said...

(and i have never seen anything wrong with your punctuation.)

willowtree said...

Says the woman who refuses to use capital letters!

Wow, Six degrees eh? Seems much warmer.

sandy said...

Fun post and I can so relate.

Brian Miller said...

its amazing the people you never would have had contact with before you took your first step onto the blank page of a blog. who would have thought that through the keyboard and internet we would find such warm relationship. dropped by via suthorblog, congrats on the POTD mention.

Boozy Tooth said...

Make that 50 followers, Rudee...

I just swung over to congratulate you on your mention this morning on David McMahon's Post Of The Day, and after reading your lovely post, I can see why.

You have a gift, you know. And you seem like someone I'd love to sit around and knit with... that is, if I knitted. Maybe I'll take it up, in honor of you.

But at the very least, I shall drop everything immediately and subscribe to your wonderful blog. I look forward to getting to know you and feel honored to be in your company today.

Alix at Casa Hice

Cheffie-Mom said...

I've made so many wonderful friends through blogging. I'm truly blessed. Congrats on the Post of the Day Award!