There are a few interstates near my home where at times it feels like I'm taking my life in my hands when I drive on them. About a month ago, a young man was speeding down one of these freeways going 20 miles over the speed limit. He lost control of his vehicle and hit a gasoline tanker causing a catastrophic event. Miraculously, not a soul was injured, including the unapologetic driver who started this horrendous accident. The fire did however cause the overpass steel beams to melt and the structure to collapse. Replacing the overpass will cost the state 2 to 3 million dollars--not to mention the cost incurred fighting the inferno and decontaminating the surrounding areas. Several surrounding cities had to respond to this multi-alarm event.
The curve where this happened is tricky, but it does come with plenty of warnings to the drivers including no passing lanes, flashing arrows and a decreased speed limit. Not that anyone pays attention.

Today my husband was driving home from work when the car in front, going too fast, spun out at this curve and caused several cars to pile up.

Let me just say, once I had a look at his vehicle, I'm thankful to have him home with little more than an abrasion from the seat belt and a bruise on his arm from the airbag deploying. I'm grateful that his Chevy took this hit as if it were built like a tank. If the young men who caused this wreck are a little worried about their illegal status in this country, they shouldn't drive so fast and draw attention to themselves--especially when the man who hits them, just may have an interest in the status of their non-existent documentation.

And a message to my honey: there are easier ways to get the new car you want.
Let me just say, once I had a look at his vehicle, I'm thankful to have him home with little more than an abrasion from the seat belt and a bruise on his arm from the airbag deploying. I'm grateful that his Chevy took this hit as if it were built like a tank. If the young men who caused this wreck are a little worried about their illegal status in this country, they shouldn't drive so fast and draw attention to themselves--especially when the man who hits them, just may have an interest in the status of their non-existent documentation.
And a message to my honey: there are easier ways to get the new car you want.
Glad he only came home with bruises.
Yea for you both!
OMGoodness Rudee I am so happy he is okay [yay Chevy!] but seriously? Wow. Give him an extra hug from all of us, 'kay.
Never a dull moment in your neck of the woods, is there? ;)
Kisses and hugs to him. Magic 8 ball sees a helmet and life jacket in his future even with a new air bag. There's Speed Demons out and about...
I have been away from big city traffic for over 20 years, and there is no way I could drive in that anymore. When I go to town, 10 miles away, I'm usually the only one on the road until I get closer, and even when I do, I only encounter a couple of cars on our 2 lane highway.
Thank the Good Lord your husband wasn't badly hurt, Rudee!
Maybe this is a sign for your honey to help send all the illegals to their home and leave some benefits for Americans and the people who are following the laws.
Glad he is okay!
Wow, makes you appreciate life even more, doesn't it? Glad he's okay.
Holy cow. I'm so glad he's OK.
Ho I agree it is a mess out there, especially in the city. So glad he wasn't hurt. Don't miss my comment on your previous post. I want to give you something.
Oh my gosh!!! I am so glad that only the car took most of the damage. Not to rain on your parade...but sometimes, it appears we walk away fine, but some things come back to haunt us later. You being a nurse, I know that you already know that. I rolled a VW on ice almost 40 years ago and landed upside down. Thought I got lucky and all...but have had back and neck problems ever since.
I hear of uninsured illegal accidents more and more over the past 6 years or so. Our insurance companies take the hit and pass the increases on to us.
I have floown into Detroit only once and your freeways scared me and I wasn't even driving. Take care of yourselves and be careful!
I went back and checked. I don't know where my comment went but please go to my blog WOW-Peggy's Other Blog. It is on my profile. I forgot how to put the addy in the comments.
Good thing they still build Chevys like they used to.
I'm sure you're just happy to have him home and safe. A near miss can be pretty scary.
Guardian angels and airbags. Thank goodness.
So glad hubby wasn't hurt. You just can't take away the safety feature of seatbelts and airbags. The proof is in the pudding.
I remember seeing the huge 'inferno' on tv news. It was shocking. Amazing that no one got hurt.
Oh, this post makes me FURIOUS!!! I used to drive to work on three busy freeways and had too many close calls to count. I'm so glad your husband is fine.
I am glad to hear that your "honey" is okay. I hate freeways and heard about the one you speak of. We were on one last night and the drivers going way over the limit and cutting in and out make me crazy. Gotta say though, in Greece they would be considered good drivers. Canada has started deporting undocumented people and mostly it works. Last night though they deported a 79 year old blind woman to Poland who has absolutely no one there. She came as a visitor eleven years ago and just never went back. Where do you draw the line...ciao
Wow, that guy doesn't seem like he cares at all.
I am so glad your man is alright.
Thankful for your hubby's safe return home! Came over from NCmountainmusings, and had to smile at your comment about the fledling. I agree! When someone reaches the point of wanting to grad. school, he/she should at least pay part of it!!! Obviously they're intelligent enough to get some kind of a part time job:)
For my kids I had the rule - you can live at home for free (and cook for you) as long as you are in college, but you pay for college and a car yourself.
have you scene the new Taurus?
I am so glad he is ok. omg...
Glad your hubby is OK.
So very happy for your family to have you honey home safe! I went with my sister today while she got a breast biopsy... doesn't look good. Life can change in an instant!
Oh no, Devon! I hope things aren't that bad.
Wow, glad he came home okay.
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