At 6:30 this morning, I'll be heading west and leaving the dull roar of the annual Woodward Dream Cruise behind. Others will spend today lining the street to see ancient cars parade up and down the route for hours and hours. I'm hoping this will mean everyone else will stay off of I-94 and leave the way clear for the caravan traveling to the fiber festival.

Instead of looking at sheep, he'll be looking at the cars at Mustang Alley. He'll be inhaling exhaust all day while I get to inhale the sweet aroma of sheep and their wool. Really, I think I have the better plan for the day.

I think the above photo is representative of how the clan plans to spend its day. We'll see tomorrow when I show you my own photos. Today's are courtesy of Google Images.
Have a great weekend!
The sweet aroma of sheep? I trust that means its not expected to rain. Enjoy. Just remember to watch your step.
Enjoy! Talking about going to the source...
I heard about this car show on NPR and must admit I do love to look at the cars from back in the day. Like old friends.
Hope your road trip was groovin' :>)
Now that is a true spinner, "the sweet aroma of sheep." I hope you had a great time!
Buena suerte at the State Fair. I suspect Marie has a painting or two there, also. She's been doing that for a few years now. I'll be anxious to hear how that lovely shawl fares.
Peace and love, Jeanne
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