There seems to be nightly discussion at my home about getting a dog. Some people (who don't even live here) are saying, "but we're supposed to be a dog family-we've always had a dog." There's a certain ring of truth to that. My kids have always had a dog, but the problem is they aren't always here to care for the animal. I recall the
Last night, my son told me that he'd had enough of life without a dog. He gave me $100 toward the adoption fee of a dog then proceeded to peruse the local shelter's offerings. He wants a dog in a bad way. Big. Young. Black lab.
My husband told me that my daughter told him she was going to go out and buy ME a dog. She is the one who doesn't live here. She wants a dog, but she wants to disguise her desire as my need. Mom needs a dog to keep her company. No. Mom needs a flock of merino sheep, some cashmere goats and a couple of alpaca. Then mom will NEED a herding dog to keep the beasts in line. I don't know where I'll keep all those animals-I live in town with a yard the size of a postage stamp, but a girl can dream.
This morning, I called my husband to tell him to leave a certain amount of money in our checking account. I told him I needed to buy a few things like some yarn at the big sale today patio furniture, and he told me, "no, you need to go buy that dog we saw online at the shelter." He wants a dog. A pitbull mix.
And so you can plainly see, the heat is on. Of course I'll cave, but I need to put a few guidelines in for my tribe:
- If someone is looking to surprise me with a dog, I have a hankering for a labradoodle- chocolate or apricot.
- Please, no dogs used for fighting-I don't care how cute they look, it's what they're bred to do and I don't want one. Remember, we can nurture and train a dog to be a wonderful addition to our family, but we can't conquer nature.
- $100 is not enough to put toward a 100 pound dog. I may add here that a big dog=monumental waste and epic poop patrols. If the website says the dog is energetic, I beg you to read into that line. Also, please stop sighing over every puppy you look at on the shelter's website. It's not going to work, it's not going to work, it's not going to...
There's just something about dogs. I'm a cat person but still feel the heart-pull of those doggy faces needing adoption. Good luck!
I think it's gonna work, I think it's gonna work, I think it's gonna work...
Stephanie, I'd have a cat if my son wasn't so allergic to them. The neighbor's cat who visits me will have to suffice.
Flydragon, I think you're right, I think you're right, I think you're right.
Fortune cookie say: Pet the dog that wags the tail. Good for the soul.
haha, funny post. I would love a dog again but not the responsibility. I bet you end up with one, a cute one at that.
$100 is plenty to buy a Labrador-Retriever (BLACK)
-Your Son.
I am sooooooo excited:>)But, dammit, I work this weekend. I will have to sneak about for Puppy Patrol News...
Debra-very funny.
Sandy-it's been nice not to worry about a dog.
Anonymous-I'm not convinced and there has not been sufficient begging noted by me yet.
Distracted-I'm sorry about the work. Myself? I'm hoping to win that giant lotto jackpot tonight. I'm a little tired of this grind.
My son has been doing that to me for months. I've finally got him to stop when my friend's cat had kittens. Ours is already picked out. Now how can I cope with another cat but not a single dog!
I don't want a Black Lab!!!!!
Forget it!!!
Well, I can't wait until you finally announce that you guys have a dog! Hurry up, Rudee. There is a doggie out there just waiting to go home with you. Don't keep him waiting.
Tell anonymous that black labs are wonderful! Must admit though those eyes might get me but I'm not partial to pit bulls. Had a bad run in with one at our cottage a few years back. Pit bulls and mix are banned in Ontario and all existing dogs have to be muzzled...ciao
If only more people understood your second point.
The labe doodle down is a big dog....At least it appears that way through all that hair.
you must seize the moment! and do it yourself! go let a dog pick you.
Perhaps something for your consideration....
Every time someone says YOU need a dog, don't let the words stay in the air. Point the words back to the speaker. "No, I don't need a dog. It sounds like YOU want a dog." Don't accept ownership, although we all know how the story is going to end.
Maybe you can draft out a contract for the other family members to sign. A contract that states they will tend to the care and feeding of the dog. You know, kind of like an exercise in writing out contracts because we all know who will end up taking care of the pet.
Bottom line, I hope the new dog cuddles in your heart because otherwise taking care of it will be a bitch. Pun intended.
Good luck!
We adopted a pound pup after our 11 year old Riley died..we waited a few months.. we were so overwhelmed with grief. One Saturday morning, I took Amanda to school (yes, her school had classes on Saturday...pain in the ass waking up early to get her there) and on the way we stopped at the pound. And saw the most beautiful puppy.. we had had an agreement that all the members of the family would agree on the new dog...I called Stewart and said.."I've found him. Believe me. He's awesome"...Cody is the sweetest, kindest being I've ever met in my life..not shitting you... he was meant to be with us and we love him. What is Cody? (as in ...what kind of dog is Cody?) Who knows? He is beautiful and loving...he has an amazing fur,and is magnificent looking, but more importantly, he is gentle, kind, loving and 'da bomb'... As a dog lover....Cody has enriched our lives and made us happy as proverbial clams. Last summer we adopted little Bean-Elisabeth.. She had been 'dropped off' at a garage sale by a family who said " here...sell this.." Bean makes us complete and is Cody's best friend. I wish you all the best for your new dog. PS I have met one labradoodle..freakin AWESOME dog...I would love one of them.. very sweet, laid back..hypoallergenic...
Oh I love that little face on the photo. It has a similar expression to Duke's on the sidebar.
I love labs, border collies and spaniels. Can't face the thought of losing them though.
Cats are much easier to manage, no (walking) but they're still hard to lose when the time comes. Mind you the long angora hair could come in useful Rudee!
Life is very different without a dog. The lessened responsibility is good. No walks in the rain, no big sad eyes, no paws on your hand saying "I'm here to love you". No muddy paw prints, no fleas, no one laying quietly at your feet soaking up your closeness.
One thing I must say about Pitbulls. They are a wonderfully awesome breed, it is the owner not the breed that makes them a bad dog. I have owned several and all were loving, my children dressed them in clothes and they slept in the recliner with my husband.
We had DJ for not nine years and were lost without her.
Also, if you do decide to get a dog, it should be your choice since you are the main care giver.
Good luck with it all Rudee. Follow your heart and instincts and hopefully all will go well. They are so hard to resist, but I am pretty sure I would prefer your dream about all of the goats, etc with the herding dog outside with large amounts of land. That just sounds good to me!
What an adventure! I think taking the plunge is done while knowing that a dog will bring a lot of changes...but also a feeling of constant love and affection. On the whole, dogs are not moody! Take care, Rudee! <3
Got my fingers crossed!
Guess where I found our behoumoth? You know Scooby - the 110 lb wonder lap dog?
Craigslist. He is nuetered, has all his shots and is well manner and trained.
She had tried 4 times to adopt him out? [gee...I wonder why...the pic she has up does not do his size justice...giggle] but if she hadn't have found a home for him she would have taken him to a shelter.
I know craigslist.com can be a little scary in the hindsight of what has happened ... but we adopted a doggie in the pet section- seems pretty safe.
You might try it. I actually couldn't believe when I typed in Chesapeake Bay Retreiver in the search engine on CL that he actually appeared - NO ONE gives these dogs away or they charge an exhorbinant fee for them because they are such great dogs.
So go over, type in what you want and maybe? It is meant to be and you could find a forever friend.
I have never been happier. And my loveseat? Has never looked more "denty" ;)
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