Saturday, October 20, 2012

Teaching an old dog new tricks

Though shalt not covet your neighbor's pacifier:
Hey little girl, what you got there?
 High crimes and misdemeanors:
Kisses?  Nope.  Attempted robbery is more like it!

No, really little girl, you should give that to me.  I am the expert here in chew toys.
And now I can plainly see that someone besides me is in desperate need of a pedicure.  One more thing for Saturday's to-do list.  Note to self:  find the Dremel.


Gail said...

What a delightful post!

Leo has made great strides becoming the dog you knew he could be.

Many Doberman opponents would not believe the restraint and gentleness shown in this pictures.

Good boy, Leo!!!

Jane said...

He can be so gentle for such a big dog. Love the look on his face

Stephanie V said...

I love her hair! And Leo's expression...hopeful? Helpful?

Brenda said...


Finding Pam said...

Babies and puppies go together. Too cute.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

what a sweet post! thanks for the smiles...

hugs, bee

Irene said...

He knows how to be gentle with her. No doubt that is because you stay calm yourself. Dogs always do have the best of intentions. xox

Mimi said...

Ha ha! did he get it at all, or just a look?

NCmountainwoman said...

That is so funny. What a gentle guy. You must be pleased.

Celia said...

So funny! He's just a little curious.

The Bug said...

Her hair is GREAT - so cute! And that Leo - I love the very intent expression on his face :) Hope the nail trimming went well...

Knitty said... sweet they both are! Her hair is cute but I want Leo's sheen. I don't think that comes in gray though.