Sunday, October 7, 2012

My dogs are barking

Yesterday was quite the day at the men's health fair and while I'm bone tired today, I feel great satisfaction that I helped do something good.  Hundreds of men--nearly 1,000 of them--showed up at Ford Field to take advantage of the free health assessments, advice and services.  The busiest vendor booths seemed to be the vision and dental screenings and chair massages.   There were long line ups for all of those stations.  The mental health screening station was also very busy doing assessments and private sessions with a therapist. I know for a fact that their therapist was very literally a life saver yesterday.  The people staffing the vital signs station were, too, when they assessed a man in hypertensive crisis and sent him to the emergency room.  In all likelihood, many more will be helped when their lab work comes back identifying more men who need medical help.

Good was done and that helps make my feet, which walked about 10 miles on cement, hurt a lot less.

It's cold in Detroit today.  It was cold last night, too, when the Tigers beat Oakland in game 1 of the ALDS series last night.  It was a good game, but very sad to watch the A's, 
Pat Neshek, pitch.  I don't know how he had it in him do it after the sudden death of his newborn son this week and the announcers talked about little else when he was on the mound.  The entire team wore black patches with his son's initials on their uniforms.  Talk about tugging the heart strings!  What a terrible thing to happen to brand new parents. I didn't know who to root for and the whole thing almost made me feel guilty that Detroit won.  I hope, really hope, he isn't pitching again today.  If he is, I might have to watch the game with sound turned off and blinders on.  Maybe I could watch only when the Tigers are pitching and I therefore wouldn't need to see Pat Neshek.

As I write this, I take note that the dog is burrowed under two blankets and the furnace has just kicked on.  It's definitely a day to wear wool, knit with wool and cover all my wool with more wool. I hope Leo will share his blankets.

Go Tigers! 


Unknown said...

Hello dear sista, it is just as cold and cloudy down here as it is in your neck of the woods. I think I am going to turn to chili as that is all I seem to want to eat. Congrats to you for your work at the fair. I have done many of those myself. I had 2 alzheimer's clients yesterday 4 hours with each. It is amazing how just talking about old times with them can sometimes bring a spark to their eyes. Some of the previous cg had noted one just sat all day without any communication. Good thing I like to gab as I talked with her all the time I was there. Usually just a yes or no but some comments came out of her several times. One never knows. Blessings

Stephanie V said...

That would be such a rewarding day. For those who served and those who received. Good health seems like a right but for so many it isn't.

Enjoy your wooly Sunday.

The Bug said...

I'm so glad that was available for those guys - saving lives is a Good Thing!

I couldn't believe that he came back to pitch so soon - on the other hand what better way for him to work on his grief. Except if I was his wife I might be upset - but you never know what people are going through. This might be best for both of them.

Silliyak said...

Congratulations on the win, and Bug, the papers say it was the wife's idea to "get out of here" (their home in another state)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i love that you did that screening fair, so good for so many!

hugs, bee

Mimi said...

Well done on the health screening; I think men really need this, as they so often neglect their health.
Doesn't Leo have the right idea? Let's jump on his bandwagon!!

Brenda said...

That is a wonderful thing you did for the men Rudee! I remember all too well what it is like to suffer the loss of babies. There are so many stages of grief that last for many years.
I do believe we are having winter instead of fall right now. Cold.....

laurie said...

we had snow!

Rositta said...

You are such a good person Rudee. It's furnace time here too. California here I come, I need a little warmth...ciao

Ruth said...

Pleased your mens health day was good even if you sore feet concrete is not good.

We have lovely spring weather of 23C perfect not to hot and not to cold, sunny.

Winifred said...

What a brilliant thing for you to do Ruth. Good on you!

I loved the title but have to say I don't think they are barking mad at all. They've got good sense!

Knitty said...

What a wonderful reason to have sore feet! I hope those who need further medical advice and intervention will be able to get what they need.

As for the A's pitcher, that was/is heart breaking. Handling grief and getting on with one's daily life is something we can't predict until we're facing that ourselves. That saying about not being able to step into the same river twice (because a river is ever changing) applies here too. What a person does on one day at one age might be completely different a few years later.

Leo is wise beyond measure. I hope he shared with you since last night was really chilly.

NCmountainwoman said...

Cold here as well, made no warmer by the Packers horrid loss yesterday. I'm sure Leo will share.

Men's health screening is such a valuable thing. Somehow they feel less intimidated surrounded by other men.