Saturday, December 17, 2011

What is black and white and red all over?

Why, Leo in his winter coat, of course!


Finding Pam said...

Leo is so handsome in his winter coat. I love it.

sandy said...

So adorable. Love his coat!

SkippyMom said...

Leo noes likes youz.

Gosh I laughed out loud from the cuteness factor. I LOVE it. Pooldad wouldn't let me buy Spottie a little coat the other day [for Christmas] because he said all she does is spend her time eating it off of herself. [true, but...dang I wanted that snuggie for her.]

Give Leo a biscuit for me and tell him I said he is a handsome boy.

Celia said...

I really like the colors and the pattern on the fabric.

Alice said...

He looks so very handsome.

I tried to put my Jack in a little jacket, he not only took it off, but folded it too.

He was never wearing THAT again!

Stephanie V said...

That is one snazzy coat. Leo looks very cool!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

awww, what a guy!

smiles, bee

Brenda said...

He is adorable. I think he needs a hat or earmuffs and some boots....maybe a doggie sled too.

Unknown said...

Leo looks very handsome in his coat, but he doesn't look very happy about wearing it.

The Bug said...


Darci said...

Aww, I am slightly jealous. I miss having pets to dress up.

NCmountainwoman said...

He looks so handsome. And given his short-hair coat he needs the extra clothes. He seems to like it.