Today there are electricians here to hang our new fixtures. When they opened the box for the chandelier, the special order fixture was in a dozen different pieces. Of course it was. It's Monday. The Monday before a big holiday. It would be bizarre if it all went smoothly--what was I thinking? I called the store and they gave us their fixture off the ceiling. Back at the ranch with the new fixture, and the electrician discovered a screw is missing. The screw that holds the support brackets for the heavy chandelier. Oy.

Can you believe this scarf practically crocheted itself in 20 minutes? The yarn, the star of this attraction, does all the work. It's Rowan's Kidsilk Creation, and while kind of costly, being able to create a last minute gift during the holidays is something I consider priceless.
The kitchen fixture is fine, but while trying to put the bulbs in, the electrician dropped one. There were shards of glass everywhere and when they're gone, I'll have to vacuum to be sure there aren't any bits that could snag Leo's paws.

It's only 11 AM. The sparkys aren't done yet and come noon, we're expecting the carpenters to come and start repairing the parts of the basement that were destroyed when the drain tiles were placed. The electricians, two of them, are perplexed over how to put my chandelier together. It doesn't look that hard to me, and would probably be a snap if one of these two would look at the instructions that came with the fixture. Oh wait, how foolish to think of that. Real men don't need directions.
I am so tired of contractors.
Oh...and now it's after noon, I start work at 4 and of course the carpenters aren't here yet.
My dad's favourite motto was, "when all fails, read the instructions!". Fitted him perfectly
After putting a tv cart together with the door hanging upside down I ALWAYS read the directions. But I'm not a man am I? Am I?
Wow! That's a lot of knitting projects completed. I hope the rest of the contracting work goes smoothly.
I hate reading instructions too! But then I don't work as an electrician! My brother, who does, would read through the most boring instruction book, in minute detail, so maybe that's why he's good. Unfortunately, he loves in the UK, so he's no use to you or me, Rudee!
Hope everything is in ship shape by now. Your knitting certainly is!
Glad to hear your hands are enjoying knitting again. Love what you are working on...especially the scarf. Those electricians don't sound like they are real electricians. Ask them for their credentials. I think we had a drunk one one time...he was really bad. I told him never mind. We would find someone else.
Everything you knitted is so pretty and will make great gifts. I can't tell which one I like best - but I think the green arm warmers are such a thoughtful, lovely gift. Nice. :) Your friend will love them - and the cable up the middle is so cool.
Oh my gosh! I sympathize with you. I hope all of those men are gone by THanksgiving, but I doubt if they will be finished.
I can't wait to see the finished rooms.
Have a happy Thanksgiving.
when we did the addition to the house in podunk it was like having monkeys crawling on my roof and through my house for months. day after day. they came. they sat. they talked. they spit. they scratched. and they finally built a crooked room with a leaky roof. buggers.
smiles, bee
My father, the nuclear engineer, was absolutely opposed to instructions. (don't even start . . . I helped him install a garbage disposal, very scary)
My brother the minister, doesn't think they apply to him.
My older brother already knew everything, and maybe he did.
Me I read the instructions and maybe follow them.
Beautiful pieces. They all look fantastic . . . jealous as always!
It must not be hunting season where you live. Here, there are very few workers who will give up the first day of deer season.
Just been speaking to the electrician to come and fix the ceiling fan in the bed roon as will need it soon - they said they can come today!
Also need to have air con serviced so will see when they can come always a challenge getting people to do tasks.
Great knitting.
Sorry your still dealing with contractors.
That's quite a bit of knitting you've accomplished.
I believe I saw a model of that scarf at the yarn store on Friday. It's very pretty.
Lately I've wondered if some of the people who don't read the directions CAN'T read the directions. I hope that doesn't apply to electricians, but I'm pretty sure it's true of the contractors who did some rehab in our home this month. At a local Mexican restaurant last night, I overheard two guys quizzing the server about the menu in a way that made it pretty clear that they'd only looked at the pictures in the menu.
I hope everything smooths out for the rest of the week!
If you didn't live so far away I'd send you my contractor husband. His women clients adore him and yes, he reads instructions. I'm glad your hands are better. Love your curly scarf. I knit one a couple of years ago that took forever but it's still my favorite piece...ciao
Contractors often work very differently than the rest of us. I could imagine going to a patients house looking at a box of profore light asking how to use it!
I knit a hat very similar to the wurm.. jusst didn't have the band at the bottom. Did it in noro.. it has become my favorite hat to wear and knit.. It was a free pattern... The noro hat.
I hope the carpenters showed up yesterday before you had to go to work. It is hard to have workers in your house, even when they are both skilled and respectful. Maybe it is just the necessary chaos that sets me on edge.
I looked up the Rowan yarn and was happy to find a video about crocheting with it. I've used other web-like yarns that aren't as soft (fuzzy) looking and tried to crochet with them but was lost. This clip made much more sense!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Love the grey ruffled scarf - your knitting works are as always beautiful!
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