Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sweeping the cobwebs

I have moved so little today, it's crossed my mind that spiders may set up shop and use me to anchor their webs, or as my son used to call them, woobs. Spidey woobs. I have remembered that I used the last of the coffee beans and must, at the least, go to the store to buy more. Either that, or Sunday morning will be a slow and cranky one.

I did go get a pedicure today, which involved very little energy and a lot more sitting. However, my feet feel good and my toes look wonderful. Silver polish lends that certain sparkle to a girl's life, doesn't it? And a little self care goes a long way toward restoring equilibrium. Once again, at least til Monday, all is well with the Universe. After that, it's five long days of work, followed by 9 long days off.

Truly, there's not too much going on here, but my long punished Pretty as a Peacock shawl is in my hands (again) and no longer in the time out bag. For now. Three rows in and it has me entirely in fits again. A fair amount of swearing has been heard, but only by Leo, and he doesn't mind as long as I don't yell. Really...can't seem to find my rhythm with this shawl, but I truly want to finish this. It's so pretty. Let's hope it can stay out of trouble long enough to show progress (it's never knitting needle operator error, is it?).


Mimi said...

No, Rudee, it's not knitting needle operator error, i find (more accurately used to find!) some patterns are just plain awkward, and then near the end they reveal their good side.
So glad you went for the pedicure, bit of self-care is just the ticket.

Alice said...

Oh my gosh, YOU are my idol.

I don't think I will ever be able to attempt, much less create something that Gorgeous!

Keep it up, don't let it beat you.

Stephanie V said...

You need a cheering I am! That shawl is going to be so beautiful. It will look especially lovely with summery silver toes. Look after yourself.

Rose said...

I've never been one for pedicures, but I've been feeling the pull lately. You're so right, self care is a very good thing. Get some great coffee!!

Celia said...

You deserve some pampering on your day off. I'm knitting that 2nd sock today and in much better spirits.

NCmountainwoman said...

I am in the same spot with a wonderful shawl. As soothing as knitting usually is, for some reason just thinking about taking out the half-way-finished and gorgeous piece I tense up. I even put the bag in the guest-room closet out of sight.

But I WILL finish it sometime.

Unknown said...

Sorry, I couldn't hear anything after "and the it's 9 days off..."
and the shawl is beautiful :>)!!

Brenda said...

It is going to be a beauty when it is finished. That is great that you are going on a vacation soon!

Jane said...

Maybe the nine long days off will be just what you need to get this one done. It is beautiful, worth every effort

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

it's lovely but looks crocheted to me instead of knitted, is that why it's giving you trouble? you'll get it done, with those pretty toes you have to! ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Knitty said...

Hubby called my last shawl the "swear shawl" while I was working on it. Silly man! He should be afraid of an angry woman with pointy sticks in her hands!

Larjmarj said...

My friend Jae designed this, she's really awesome with technical help if you get stuck. I know there have been times when I've called on her when I'm in a lace pickle.

The Bug said...

I think that chilling is exactly what you needed to do today. The shawl IS lovely - don't let it defeat you! You're the alpha dog here :)