Today I have to take the hockey banners down from my site. I really should have done it Thursday when the Wings were done in by the Sharks, but I was busy. Today is the day I'll clean things up, and not without a little sadness. What can I say? Go Lightning!

With most of last week being vacation, I went nowhere, but I did get a few things done. Most importantly, I planted some new flowers. Today was going to be for renting one of those sod strippers and getting a vegetable bed started, however, it's looking like we're in for an all day rain. Tomorrow doesn't look too good for that plan either. This slow moving system is taking its time getting out of here.

There is a special project that went up in the yard last week, but I'm not going to show you until the muralist gets here. Suffice it to say, it involves a fence and paint. The fence, long in discussion, was to keep Leo separated from that damn pitbull, and to prevent us from having to look at the accumulating piles of dog excrement that my irresponsible neighbor fails to clean on a regular basis. We were going to put it right against the existing fence, but decided to move it forward some. Once it was up, we realized that without a dog to trample the plantings, it would be a great sunny spot to grow veggies and herbs.

Along the existing back fence, I plan to grow lavender--lots of it--to shield my eyes from the pit and provide a little perfumed respite from the dog-do. She--my neighbor--is just plain ignorant. I'd thought Isaac had gone to Maryland, and come late January, I was a little sad to see him out there because she doesn't take care of him.

Blogger is apparently having a few decorating problems of their own with some of us having an inability to publish and mysteriously vanishing comments. If you've commented here and can't find your comment, it's Bloggers fault, not mine. I treasure every word you leave here and comments feed the soul--even when we don't see eye to eye on an issue. Unless you've been incredibly insulting and your link leads to sites with people performing questionable acts, I'd never delete your comment. According to
this post from blogger, all should be back to normal, soon. I hope it's not raining at Google. It could be a long weekend...
The photos are mine, snapped this morning during a lull in the rain. The stunning lilacs belong to my next door neighbor, and the minute I see her car pull out today, I will be doing some surreptitious pruning (but only on my side of the fence). The aroma is intoxicating.