Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Good Knitting Gone Bad

True Confession: The hat did NOT work out. It would have been fabulous if I had a head twice the size of my current head, but I don't. I washed it 3 times in scalding hot, soapy water all to no avail. Oh, it felted alright, but it didn't shrink enough. I'll blame it on the bad pattern and the Harvest Moon Beer.

Not one to throw perfectly good looking knitted items in the trash, I am repurposing my felted item into a bowl. By Friday, it should dry enough to hold the shape I desire. I'm a little disappointed, but not completely. Since the weather has warmed, I don't have a pressing need for a hat--there's time to get it right. I think my mistakes will make a great bowl and a perpetual reminder that numbers and math do matter in knitting.

I'm off to go work a bit more of my way through my to-do list. I've added a couple of items, and today is the day for the pedicure. We had a fitting for my daughter's sweater last night, and today I'll rip back the sleeves and do them over. Again. Remember, numbers and math count!


Jane said...

What did I say about that list growing?
I like your resourcefulness, it'll be a fabulous bowl

mary.anne.gruen@gmail.com said...

That's really a smart move. Congratulations on the stylish new bowl!

Jeannette StG said...

Looks great in that bowl:) Wonder if you could make it into a purse?

Darci said...

It's a beautiful color, so sad that it didn't work out.

Stephanie V said...

A bowl. Now, that's a great idea. I never would have gone there. It would have been yet another purse - my personal recycling for felting projects that don't work.
The color of that yarn is gorgeous, though. It looks like raspberry mousse to me.

Brenda said...

Dang...it would have been a beautiful hat. But it does look great as a bowl also. I see you did not accomplish the sleeping late yet. But you finished Vince Flynn's book. Tell us if you liked it. It is next on my list. Take pictures of the farewell auction for Ruby for us. Are they going to ask you to make a speech or tell your story of how you made it? Maybe there will be a fight over it. You know those silent auctions can get ugly.

Gail said...

I thought this was supposed to be frreeee time?

Winifred said...

I love the colour.

You could have made a couple of cords. One for a handle and one to slot through and gather to make a bag.

Best of luck with the bowl.

Anonymous said...

I love the way you think! Sorry it didn't work out as a hat, but I know you'll think of many other uses before the week is over.
The color is so stunning and beautiful, it could really work for many things.

Have fun with your next project, what is it going to be?

Rudee said...

I think it's too shallow for a purse, hence the bowl. It'll be a perfect place to tuck away my double points and darning needles.

Rudee said...

Brenda, I slept in once and that was today. I woke up at 10 AM, but I didn't fall asleep until 4 AM, so I don't think that counts for catching up on sleep.

Gail, I am relaxing! Honest. Knitting instantly relaxes me. Apparently, felting does not!

Renie Burghardt said...

It sure is a beautiful color, whether a hat or a bowl. I bought a soft, turtle neck sweater just the other day in exactly the same color.

Renie Burghardt said...

It sure is a beautiful color, whether a hat or a bowl. I bought a soft, turtle neck sweater just the other day in exactly the same color.

Rose said...

Felting is always an iffy thing with me. The first couple of things I did came out great, but after that, a string of disasters. Haven't done any in awhile.

Jane said...

Repurposing is always good....and it's a lovely colour anyway.

debra said...

Such a rich color, rudee. And felting intensifies it.

Miss T said...

Good for you. I'm a firm believer in creative repurposing.