Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I'm Expecting!!!

There has been some spinning going on at my house today, and soon there will be mating of the yarns.   Mountain Color's Targhee Top in Crazy Woman will be mating with Louet Dyed Corriedale in teal when I finally ply them together.  I hope the offspring is as beautiful as I imagine it will be.  I'm also hoping for at least enough to make a hat, and if I'm lucky, some mittens to match.

I'm having much better luck with a spindle than I seem to be having with the wheel.  What I'm hoping for here is that the principles of spinning with a spindle will transfer seamlessly to the wheel the next time I'm behind one.  I won't hold my breath.


Jane said...

oh, this is going to be so exciting. Look forward to seeing the results

Brenda said...

A new creation! How exciting! going back to click on the link you have there.

Stephanie V said...

Oh, this sounds like a beautiful combination. Can't wait for the 'birth'!

Winifred said...

Those colours are gorgeous. Keep on going, I'm dying to see the outcome!

debra said...

The colors are SO vibrant! Can't wait to see the end result and to hear all about the process.

Unknown said...

Do you get to name the resulting offspring some ridiculously fabulous name like in the dog shows?? Lord Pontisque TargheeTop Corriedale?

Rudee said...

Miss and Brenda-it's fun. I'm really pleased with the way it's all coming together.

Stephanie-I'm spinning so fast that I'm sure by Saturday it'll be ready to ply.

Winifred-they're even prettier in person. Love that Crazy Woman-even if how the mountain was named is a sad tale.

Kat-I've been spinning and simultaneously considering a walk to the ice cream store.

Debra-it's all about getting into the zone. The drafting zone where I feed the twist into the fiber and it comes out the other end as yarn. I'm loving it.

Rudee said...

Distracted- exactly! Though Crazy Woman must fit in there somewhere.

Rositta said...

it's the plying that has me confused. Someday I'll figure it out. Gorgeous colors...ciao

Rose said...

Congratulations! Let us know when the blessed event occurs.

Kathleen said...

I'm speechless...that doesn't happen too often!

sandy said...

Gosh I love those colors and they will look marvelous together.

Anonymous said...

Can Wool Roving be used to make an air mattress?

Betty F said...

Wow! It's a beautiful mix of colors!