Friday, November 16, 2012

The Things to Come Yet

We're waiting for a few things to happen around here.  Today we'll get a delivery of a few pieces of furniture.  One is an entertainment cabinet for the television and its array of electronic gadgets that currently have no home.  We're both sick of the way it looks with wires and boxes hanging everywhere, so we went to Ikea for a solution.  I'm pretty certain that while they will be delivering, they don't set it up.  Screwdrivers and swearing are sure to be a part of what transpires in my home today.

Sometime soon, with really bad timing, we're expecting delivery and installation of the picture window in our living room. Could have definitely timed that one better!  I mean winter is upon us and the temperatures aren't really conducive to having a big gaping hole in the house for a day. What was I thinking?  It's my fault.  I balked and channeled my inner cheapskate when my husband wanted to do it sooner this year, and I made him caulk the window instead.  Then during the dregs of that hurricane that reached us all the way up here, despite the caulk, I could feel a breeze coming through the window that was strong enough to move my hair. We absolutely could not go another winter with this window providing free heat to the neighborhood.

It's a huge window and has sliders on each side that are back-breaking to open.  The new window will have a fixed center window with double hung windows (they slide up and down) on either side.  We really thought the windows in our home were newer, but it's come to light (with the help of our nosy and opinionated neighbor who does not believe in home improvement) what the problem was with the draftiness in this one window:  previous owners had removed it several times to move bulky furniture in and out.

What?  Who does that without properly resealing the window?  Instead of fixing something we don't like, we're replacing it with an energy saving solution.

In the time since I first started writing this, and the Ikea delivery... well, let's just say I've never seen so many small parts in one place.  What?  What was I thinking?


The Bug said...

LOL - sounds like a fun day around Casa Rudee :)

I'll bet the new window will make a HUGE difference though...

NCmountainwoman said...

Just don't let Leo help. Have a great weekend.

Rose said...

You can do it! Drink wine and it will all be better, no?

Silliyak said...

Having "window treatments" installed (professionally) as I type. The "final" (again) step in our redo.

Irene said...

Yes, but think of the final result and how happy you will be with it. Just keep that in mind while you go through the chaos. It will be great. Good luck. xox

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh my! i can only picture my dear sarge trying to put that together. you remember his two tools? a plastic butter knife and a chain saw? um hmm. you get the picture. good luck honey!

hugs, bee

Celia said...

I hope everything settles down soon.

Alice said...

I'm actually rather good at putting furniture together.
Knowing this, my brother called me up just 2 weeks ago to tell me about 3 desks from Ikea.
"You can say No if you want."
I said . . .
"Uh-huh, what you are neglecting to mention, is before anything can be built, we have to remove the 2 ton REAL (former Insurance Co. donation--3 pieces), office furniture in your 2nd floor den."
My muscles JUST quit aching!
Good luck with all.

Knitty said...

I hope it came together well and is now being enjoyed.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Gail said...

I know you will enjoy it WHEN it's finished. You may even say, that wasn't so bad.