Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Olfactory Nerve Workout

It's not even a pretty moth
I won't bore you with belabor the issue of house hunting much longer.  I know you're all sick of it, as am I.  This entire act of going through the motions to find a house is a waste of time.  You see, my mind is made up and you know, and I know, the noisy house with all of the charm will win the race.  In a futile attempt to make the hunt look good, I saw another house Monday afternoon that was a major disappointment.  The bedrooms were large(r) this time, but the communal spaces were itty-bitty.  There were no porches, not much of a backyard and no space in which to seek solitude when feeling hormonal.  I need space.

The miniature size of the home wasn't what I noticed first, it was the odor. I couldn't quite distinguish what I was smelling.  I kept asking the agent, "what is that smell?"  "God, what is that?"  I think it was a mixture of poop, cat pee and mothballs, or maybe someone died there and was forgotten for awhile.  It stunk.  Of all the aromas, it was the mothballs that worried me most.  If it wasn't already off the list for lack of legroom, the threat of moths eating their way through my stash was a deal breaker.

On my way home from seeing the stinky house, I recuperated by stopping off at my favorite yarn store.  The smell of wool has incredible healing powers for me.  When I told the owners where my dream house was, their response was, "hey, you could walk here."  And yes, I fell off the wagon, but only a little bit.  I don't feel badly though, I consider this to be my financial obligation to healing Metro-Detroit's economy-one skein at a time.  OK, four.  So sue me...


Jane said...

DS2 has always had a sensitive nose and evey journey was accompanied by the refrain, "what's that smell?". I'd be done for if my LYS was within walking distance

Betty F said...

I'm glad you're in love with where you'll be living! You know it's meant for you when you can imagine yourself there and you KNOW no other place will do.

flydragon said...

I, for one, am not bored with your house hunting. It's like watching HGTV without the commercials. And a lot more humor to boot. And while stopping at your favorite yarn store, did you also make a drive by of your dream house again?:)

Rudee said...

Miss, I'll have to be very careful in respect to logistics and that yarn store.

Betty, I agree. Just as soon as we get a contract on our home, we send in a lease agreement for the dream house.

Flydragon, you know me too well already! Yes I went by the dream house. I wanted to hear the noise near the rush hour.

owiatw said...

Where does this put you in regards to the dream cruise....Will you have a front porch view?

Rudee said...

Not exactly a front porch view One, but two blocks west and close enough.

Gill - That British Woman said...

so we are doing the opposite of you then, I have found my dream house, just need to sell our house.

You will know when you have found the perfect house, as you will get "that feeling" when you walk in, the feeling where you know where you will put all your furniture, you can imagine yourself knitting (in your case), quilting in my case.

Its all very exciting but hard on your nerves. Good luck.

Gill in Canada

Unknown said...

My brain is still reeling from the leopard skin patterned rug from the last house.
Don't fret about me. You may be tired of the house hunting, but I love it. Every single detail:>)

debra said...

"When I told the owners where my dream house was, their response was, "hey, you could walk here." "
And that, my friend, was my
first thought.

Brenda said...

Well, that is exciting! Sounds like things are falling into place.

Rudee said...

Debra-it'd be too much trouble to carry the bags home. hahaha.

Brenda-soon we'll have a decision.

Rositta said...

Lucky, Lucky, Lucky... I have nothing within walking distance of my house let alone a yarn shop...ciao

sandy said...

I hope you continue to belabor...your house hunt. I really enjoy reading about it and seeing photos..so please don't stop!!

Ohhh a smelly house....I have lived with all boys and I know how that goes, especially when you get within 10 feet of their room...you know they had a little stomach activity the night before, spicy food and all...