Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Games People Play

There is a little game that's played in my home.  For the life of me, I can't recall the origins of the game, except to say that I think it began out of boredom.  Someone in my home sets up little animals all around the house.  They're for protection.  From what, I don't know...

Here we have a goose protecting the coffee pot and stash of coffee beans. I don't know why the pot needs to be protected, but that's the purpose of the goose.

It would seem the jungle animals were let loose in my bedroom. Now either they're a bunch of voyeurs, or they're there to protect me. All of them are facing my bed. I can't figure out why the horse is lying on top of the hut.

Obviously, someone has watched too much of The Godfather. I'm not quite sure of the meaning of this horse's head on my pillow, but that's what I found when I went to bed last night.  

Over the years, I've tried to tell people how quirky my husband family is, but I think the photographic evidence speaks for itself. You know, they say there isn't anything out there in this big world of ours that hasn't been said or done before.  I'm not sure, but I think this may just be an original game.

Do you live with odd people too?


Anonymous said...

It is not a game. The animals are protection..and in order to receive the protection, they must be facing the protectee.

The horse is laying on its' side because it has a broken leg.

flydragon said...

Love the goosie guard. Little worried about the horse's head on the pillow though.
No odd people living in my house. Nope, nosiree bob.

Rositta said...

Protecting the coffee maker and beans, excellent idea. Absolutely boring in this house, no weirdness...ciao

Brenda said...

You got people. They watch out for ya! Even if they are plastic. You live an interesting life Rudee!

Romi said...

Thank you for the incredibly kind comment! You absolutely made my day. :)

Rudee said...

Flydragon, the goose fell off the pot today. I just let him lay there.

Rositta, boring is underrated.

Brenda, I feel like I should be living in Night at the Museum.

Romi, my gosh, you're welcome but it's so true! It was worth every cent!

sandy said...

hahahahahah, this is hilarious! What a character your husb....oops I mean family are...

I would definitely want my coffee guarded...and protected.

funny post.

Lisa L said...

Lovely post! I needed a smile today :) Thank you

willowtree said...

Ahhh, yeah....quirky...that's one way of describing him I guess.

Say, Anon seems to know a lot about this whole animal protection thing...just saying.

Rudee said...

And anon is very quirky wt.

Betty F said...

I do... I live with Paul. Our house is early american / cowboy/frontier and john wayne.