Saturday, April 13, 2013

The not so happy hooker...

Technically speaking, I have 5 weeks to finish my stealth knitting (if you want to see it, you'll have to deduce where it is on that page.  I figure the recipient won't go looking).  One would think five weeks is quite enough time, but things are getting in the way.  Things like earning a paycheck, entertaining the dog, cleaning the never ending dust bunnies, laundry, and eating (which requires shopping and cooking).  You know.  Life.  The list of tasks are endless.

I have a good 300 stitches on the needles now, and it's growing.  By the time I finish the next 12 rows, there should be 413 stitches.  Still, it will grow.  As I approached the completion of the first 12 repeats of chart 1, I threw up a poll on Ravelry.  Should I continue to bead, or stop beading in the midsection and pick it back up at the end?  The consensus seemed to think I was being a whiny knitter and should continue what I'd started and maintain beading throughout.  Some felt that since I was creating what will surely be an heirloom, I shouldn't sell it short.

I decided the hive mind was correct.  I was being whiny. It's so tedious!

The beads are added one at a time by placing them on the tiniest crochet hook first.  The hook only holds 3 size 8/0 seed beads at a time and rather precariously at that.  If I hold the hook any way but upright, the beads fall off.  The sofa cushion is likely a treasure trove of beads right now.  If I run short, I'm going bead hunting there before I go back to the bead store.  Anyways, don't tell Dr. K, but against professional advice, I have been using my teeth as tools when I hold the hook there between bead applications.  Hopefully I won't break any because I don't have time for a dentist right now!


Knitty said...

I stalked, er....meant to say I found you, on Ravelry. Oh my, your stealth project is gorgeous! Make that GORGEOUS, all in caps!

I haven't used many of Ravelry's features and will rectify that. One of these days. How can someone who was such a good student now be such a procrastinator? I think I'll blame it on the weather and Pinterest. Those two excuses cover most of my downfalls.

Gail said...

Love the title...made me smile.

This is absolutely beautiful and to think there are tiny beads too just makes it more of a treasure. Love the color, the pattern, and the fact you are hooking.

Irene said...

You must have a lot of patience and be very stubborn to be able to do this job. It is already looking wonderful and it will be great once it is finished.

The Bug said...

Oh man that IS tedious! I watched the video - oy! But it's going to be GORGEOUS!

Jane said...

It is beautiful with the beads on, but I think I'll enjoy watching other people do it, rather than doing it myself, lol. There is definitely too much life going on at the moment, there should be a way to stop it

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh my gosh that is lovely!

smiles, bee

Finding Pam said...

Your knitting is beautiful. I can't imagine adding all of those tiny beads. I admire your tenacity. I look forward to seeing the finished project.

Life does get in the way. Have a great week. Hugs to Leo.

Alice said...

I agree, quit whining, art is blood, sweat and tears . . . and That . . . is ART.

Celia said...

The color is beautiful!